No Choice

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The next chapter is the last chapter 🥹🤭


I sent my sisters a text in our groupchat as soon as I woke up and let them know I needed them at the house pronto as soon as I woke up. Afterwards I got up and took a shower then got dressed. I decided on a grey hoodie, some blue jeans, my Kaki fedora hat, and kaki fur boots. Once I finished getting dressed I began heading downstairs. As soon as I got down there I saw my sisters coming inside the house from youngest to oldest.

"Hey, what's going on?" Dorinda asked.

"In the kitchen, please." I said simply before going in the room.

I sat down at the lanai as they all got chairs and huddled around me.

"What's going on?" Dorinda repeated.

"Why didn't I know mama had alters? Let's start there." I said.

Their eyes widened at the same time letting me know my statement was true.

"How did you know that Karen?" Jacky asked.

"Because she told me."

"Wait, what?" Dorinda asked.

"Karen, can you please explain to us what you're talking about because it's not making sense." Twinkie said.

Sighing, I ran my hand down my face as I looked at them.

"Okay, so yesterday morning I had a vision, dream, outter body experience actually.... I don't even know what to call it. I don't know what it was. All I know is that I was in a dark room and mama was there, but also Dave's mother as well. Mother was pissed. When I say she was mad she was livid it actually scared me because that's not who she is. I've never seen her that upset before."

"What was she so mad about?" Twinkie asked.

"My lifestyle and the way I've been living with Dave for the past sixteen years."

"But you and Dave are married. You'd think she'd be happy about that." Dorinda said.

"Us being married wasn't the problem, Doe. It was the fact of how we got together. She was mad that I committed adultery and broke my vows to be with him. I told her that John cheated first even though two wrongs didn't make a right she didn't want to hear that. She came to me with a direct message. She said that God wasn't pleased with my lifestyle and the way I'd been living. That's when I revealed to her that I was molested at six years old which is where the root of my perverse universe even started and my addiction to sexual things."

"Her, Minnie, and I talked for a few before she asked me when I was going through my dark place and I had people there for me did I mean my alters? I was dumbfounded because I'd never told her that. I asked her how she knew and that's when she told me that she had them too. So, once again why wasn't I aware of that?" I continued.

Looking at them all, I could tell that they knew something that they weren't saying.

"So, who's going to tell her? Cause it sure as hell won't be me." Dorinda said.

"Tell me? Tell me what? Twinkie, what's going on?" I asked.

"I, umm... Jacky knows more than any of us. Jacqueline tell her now since you're the oldest." Twinkie said, pushing her forward.

I looked at Jacky waiting for an explanation.

"Okay, I'll tell you... but you have to promise that you won't change your views of how you see us, and that we kept this from you for your own good." Jacky said.

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