Unanswered Questions

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Today was Karen and I's 17th wedding anniversary. I left out early to get everything ready for our special date tonight. By the time I left everyone was still sleeping and when I finished it was around 2pm. Looking down at my phone, I saw that I had an incoming call from Kierra.

"Yo, Ki."

"Hey, how everything going with the surprise for mommy?" Kierra asked.

"Everything is good, Ki. I actually just finished up. I'm hoping she love it to be honest. We done been through a rough couple of days and I just want everything to go back to normal." I said.

"That's good, but I have a question and I think you know exactly where I'm about to go with this. Did you-"

"Apologize yet? Nah, but I called her phone and left her a voicemail letting her know to call me back when she got a chance. I want to apologize to her in person, but a nigga running all day like a chicken with his head cut off to finish these final gatherings for our anniversary dinner tonight. I want everything to go smooth and perfectly. Ki not to be blunt, but ya mama and I ain't had sex in months and I'm missing her pussy. A nigga hoping to get some tonight." I admitted.

"Um, ew but I understand."

I heard my phone letting me know I had an incoming call trying to come through. I looked to see that it was Karen.

"This her now. I'll shoot you a text later and let you know when everything is officially together."

"Alright, take care of your business with my mother. Bye Dave." Kierra said.

I clicked over on the call and picked up for bae.

"Hello?" Karen said.

"Hey, bae."

"I got a missed call from you. You wanted me to call you?"" Karen asked.

"Yeah, I wished we could talk in person, but a nigga kind of tied up but I just want to apologize for the way things went down between us. A nigga sorry for being stupid and making it seem like you wasn't there for our daughter because you didn't want to be as supposed to you not being able to because you just couldn't. A nigga regret ever speaking those words out his mouth. You a bomb ass mama and it won't ever change." I said.

"I forgive you baby."

I sighed in relief hearing those words come from her lips.

"It's our anniversary, babygirl. I plan on making it one you'll never forget." I said.

"It will definitely be one for the books, but babe I want to continue this conversation at home. So, finish up your errands then go home. I love you."

"I love ya too ma." I said.

We ended the call, but before I could put it away Smoke called me.

"Bruh, what the fuck is up with everyone calling at once?" I asked, answering the phone.

"Foo, what it do homeboy?" Smoke asked.

"Whatchu want foo? I'm busy nigga."

"Damn, is that any way to talk to yo partner?" Smoke asked.

"My bad, what's going on nigga?" I asked.

"I was wondering.... I know it's yo anniversary, but what if Doe and I, Twink and Dolo, and Jacky and Jay all pulled through and made the night extra special?"

"Bruh, usually that would be dope but I don't want nobody else with bae and I tonight. I want it to just be me and her. We got some making up to do, and I plan on making it special for us. Kenny, Khari, and Kiyomi gon' watch after Karli, Kitana, and Kambri with Kierra and Malaysia supervising them all night. I know that Kendasha is mature enough not to do anything wrong. I plan on making it one for the books." I said.

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