Try Again

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Waking up in the hospital, I awoke to Smoke standing over me with J Drew in the corner. I wiped my eyes because of my blurred vision. Tilting his head, Smoke smirked before he began speaking.

"My nigga, it look like she beat yo ass pretty good. As she fucking should. You deserved every hit."

"You don't think I know that? I'm aware nigga." I snapped.

"Yo, don't be getting feisty with me before I call yo wife to tap that ass again."

Fanning him off, I smacked my lips as I looked away from him.

"Why you here bruh?" I asked.

"Cause, Doe told me what happened. She showed me the pictures. That's why I brought J Drew up here to see you since he the only one dat ain't know you was alive foo."

I looked away from him and looked at J Drew who hadn't said a word since he'd been standing there.

"Yo, it's been awhile. Wassup foo?"

"Everyone thought you were dead. We buried you on yo birthday. What the fuck happened nigga?" J Drew asked.

"I'll explain this time since this nigga got a mild concussion." Smoke said.

I rubbed my face as Smoke continued.

"Aight, so basically Dave hatched this plan to kill Ghost because he was on a mission to kill everybody including yo mama. He sent Dave a letter before his wedding to ya moms and let him know dat he planned on killing her after the wedding was over. So, in order to prevent dat Dave faked his death dragged Malaysia and I into it and we went and ripped that nigga apart with a eighteen wheeler. I'm talking blood and guts everywhere. Now, I know you probably wondering what the hell took so long for him to come back? Well.... that's the part his stupid ass should explain. Go ahead foo."

"Well, I-" Smoke cut me off.

"He decided to lay low after we killed Ghost because he knew that had he came back the cops would be after him along with Ghost's crew. So, he stayed in Jamaica undercover. When he tried to come back this nigga lost his damn passport so he couldn't. Now, that's when this bitch Riley comes into play. Once again... I know you probably thinking who in the hell is Riley? Dis nigga cheating on my mama? Nah, I thought that too but if he was I would've beat his ass black and blue. Riley was the one that helped him get his passport back so that he could get back to yo mama and his daughters. The reason I called her a bitch is cause she could've persuaded Dave's dumbass to come back a lot sooner rather than just watching him wait out the last sixteen years he's been gone. But yeah, now you up to speed on everything." Smoke said.

J Drew looked from Smoke to me, then back to Smoke as he tried to process everything.

"My mama went through hell without you."

"I know." I said.

"She was depressed and suicidal and so was my little sister. My other two youngest sisters don't even know you." J Drew said.

"I know that too. I'm sorry for staying gone so long, but I won't apologize fah saving ya mama. That's my heartbeat. I'd die fah her, literally. I did what was best. I'm sure y'all would want to bury me instead of ya moms. So, I had to do it."

Nodding his head, J Drew looked at me.

"Since you saved my mama I forgive you, but you know you have a lot of making up to do right?"

"I'm aware. That's why I let yo mama kick my ass the way I did. I figured it'd be the start of something. It may not be much but it's something." I said.

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