Can We Start Over?

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Sitting in my living room, I ran my hands down my face as I thought about the events that took place last night.


Driving Noelle to her house, I had her address plugged into my GPS. Once I arrived there, I turned her car off then got out to get her out the backseat. I stuffed her keys in my pocket before I picked her up bridal style. Her front door was already open which I thought was weird, but I went in anyways.

She had stairs in her house. So, I figured her room would be somewhere up there. Carrying her up the stairs, I found the nearest room on the right and took her in it. I threw her on the bed, then took her keys out my pocket and placed them on her dresser.

I did as Karen instructed me and went downstairs to her refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of alcohol then went back upstairs. Going over to her bed, I forced her mouth open then poured some liquor in it. She began to cough and choke making me stop and look at her. She shifted a little in her bed but didn't wake up at all.

I poured more alcohol in her mouth before stopping. Once I finished I sat the bottle down beside her on her dresser. I don't know why, but I had a gut instinct to go through her stuff.

I started with her things on her dresser, I went through her clothes, her mail, her paperwork, and all her files.

That's when I stumbled across something that made a nigga get stuck. It was Kierra's file. I opened it up and my jaw dropped open.

Noelle had been hypnotizing Kierra, brainwashing her. Not only that but she'd been poisoning her by putting arsenic in the liquid medicine she'd prescribed for her to take. There were also notes and this whole plan that she had to make Kierra so weak to the point where she'd kidnap her and hold her hostage.

That's why Kierra was feeling so delusional and making irrational decisions she'd had poison in her system and couldn't properly function.

Taking out my phone, I decided to take pictures of Kierra's file and all the evidence. I knew that I would need proof in order to make Kierra believe me.

This bitch was about to get what was coming to her.

*Flashback Over*

"Hey, can I talk to you?" A voice said, snapping me out of my deep thoughts.

I looked up to see who is was.

"Fasho, come sit

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"Fasho, come sit." I said, patting the spot next to me.

Kiyomi played with her hands for a moment before looking at me.

"Wassum? What's going on with you?" I asked.

"I just, um.... I wanted to apologize."

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