New Reality

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"What's the thing that you most concerned about ma? We can get this shit hatched before we leave to go home today." I said.

"Uh, it's been a year. What exactly has happened since I've been gone?" Karen asked.

"Well, let's see..... number one, I own my own tattoo shop now. I've always had a love fah tattoos as ya know my whole body covered in em. I did a tattoo fah a friend just playing around she took a picture of it, posted it on Instagram and it went viral. So, I'm kinda famous fah dat shit. Kierra and Malaysia got married. J Drew moved to Pennsylvania with Mia. He got a job offer out there to be a neurologist and he accepted it. No one even knew he had a love fah dat shit, but he took the job and didn't look back. Jacky and Jay got engaged, Dorinda and Smoke had their wedding and adopted a newborn. So they got a kid together. Twink got knocked up by a nigga she met during a one night stand. Dorinda finally convinced her to let go for one night and it resulted in her having sex. Jewel been living with us fah the past year to help take care of our daughters and look over them since my career been taking off. I think that's it..... oh wait. My relationship with the girls has really blossomed bae. We stuck together so heavily during the time you was here and us taking care of you basically brought us closer together. It was a beautiful thing ma."

"Wow. I've missed so much." Karen exhaled. I grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Ion care bout none of dat shit. What matters to me is dat you awake and I finally got you back to me. I've missed you so nuch ma."

Brushing the side of my face softly, Karen smiled faintly as I kissed her hand a few times.

"Thank you for sticking by my side baby. I'm not sure how I'm about to try to navigate through this new thing called my life, but one thing I do know is that I'm ready to get home and be under you again."

"Fasho, my job is to hold ya down shorty. I can't wait to get you out of hea' and back in my arms, in our bed.... I love you so much bae." I said.

Karen kissed my lips as she held onto me. I held her chin as I stuck my tongue in her mouth kissing her deeper. Once her tongue met mine she moaned as my hand squeezed her thigh.

"Okay, enough of that mushy stuff. Break that shit up and make room for your sister." Dorinda said, barging in.

Karen chuckled as Dorinda walked over to her and planted kisses all over her face.

"I've missed you so much, Karebear." Dorinda said, hugging her neck.

"I missed you too. Congratulations on the nuptials, Mrs. Montoya. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there."

"Oh, please don't be ridiculous. There was literally nothing you could have done. That was way out of your hands and beyond your control. You were there in spirit that's all I care about. It feels good to be married to the man of my dreams. Jac, Twink, get in here!" Dorinda called.

Seeing Jacky and Twinkie walk in the room brought tears to Karen's eyes. I knew that she missed her sisters like crazy. Once they walked in they all huddled around Karen and indulged in a group sister hug.

"Ima go outside and kick it with the homies. I know ya wanna catch up with ya sisters. Ima bring ya some food, then I'll be back when it's time to leave bae." I said, rubbing my face.

"Alright, I love you baby."

"I love you more ma." We kissed before I headed out the door.

I closed the door behind me only to be met with Smoke, Jay, and Dolo, Twinkie's man and my homeboy.

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