Tell Me Why •2•

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This song goes perfectly with this chapter 😍 listen to it while reading for the best experience 🤍


Picking me up, Dave carried me to the couch as he kissed me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I slipped my tongue in his mouth as he squeezed the life out of my ass making me moan. It felt so good to feel his body on mine. We'd been away from each other for far too long.

He laid me on the couch as he broke the kiss and trailed his tongue from my lips down to my neck. Trailing lower, he raised my shirt as he took his tongue and trailed it down between my breast to my navel sending chills down my spine and making me bite my lip. He took my shirt off as he unbuttoned my jeans and stuck his hand in my pants. I moaned loudly feeling him slip his ring and middle finger inside me.

"Fuck...." I moaned.

"You still just as wet as I remember." Sliding his fingers out of me, he sucked them. "You've gotten even sweeter mama."

Watching him enjoy my taste, it made my waterfall overflow. He kissed me letting me taste myself. Our tongues wrestled like two venom snakes fighting over their prey. As we kissed passionately he removed my pants off of me along with my thong as he opened my legs wider seeing the glistening wet horizon that he'd created.

"I know you're craving to feel me inside you, but I want to take my time with you ma and show you love. We have nothing but time." Dave said, flicking his tongue across my clit.

"D-Don't tease me." I went to grab his shirt, but he grabbed my hands and locked them.

Putting them above my head, he pinned my hands as he stared in my eyes.

"Lay back and enjoy the ride" Closing my eyes, I bit my lip as I felt him kiss the insides of my thighs before diving in.

My back arched off the couch as he grabbed my legs and locked them around his neck. Feeling his tongue inside me after all this time felt like a wet dream that I was having. I'd dreamed about him making love to me every day after he'd left me, but now that it was real again it felt surreal.

"Shit, b-baby! I missed you so much. Fuck me." I moaned breathlessly.

Speeding up, Dave tongue fucked me as he held my thighs and ate the soul out of me. His tongue slurped and licked all over my clit as he ate me sloppily making my eyes roll and my body convulse.

"Oh my God, babyyyyy! It feels so good!" I moaned loudly.

"You taste so good ma." Dave moaned, sending vibrations through my body.

He spelled his name out in my canvas slowly as he continued to feast upon my body. When he got to the E in his name I felt my body explode and I milked his tongue. Dave smirked before sucking and licking me clean. As he came up I grabbed his ears and crashed my lips into his.

Kissing him deeply, I sucked on his tongue tasting myself on his tongue. He undid my bra and tossed it aside releasing my girls as he took his lips from mine and placed them on my erect nipples. He ran his tongue across the left one as he bit and sucked on it and played with my right one making me moan louder. He was making me feel so damn good.

I wanted to feel him inside me. I needed to feel him deep. I needed his loving. Dave took my right nipple into his mouth and showed it love as he played with and tweaked  my left nipple keeping it erect. He was driving me so crazy. Grabbing his face, I kissed him as he held me by my hips.

"I need to feel you in me." I moaned against his lips.

"I got you ma." Dave said, breaking the kiss.

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