Switch Up The Tempo

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Waking up the next day, I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I looked at Karen laying on top of me sleeping with her face in my neck and her naked body covered with a sheet. Reaching over, I grabbed my phone and picked it up.

I looked at it and saw that I had a text from Malaysia letting me know how much her studio building cost, a text from Kierra her sending me the address to her group meeting along with the time, and a missed call from Riley.

I decided to call Riley back first. She answered on the third ring.

"Yo, Riley. Wassum? You called me?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have called. I know that you're probably with your wife and I just.... I'm sorry. Please, just act like I never did. I'll leave you alone." Riley said, frantically.

"Nah, you helped me get my passport so I could get back to my wife and kids. I owe you one. What's going on?" I asked.

Riley was quiet for a moment. She went so quiet that I thought she hung up.

"Yo, Rye. Talk to me shorty. What's up?"

"I just.... I really need help, but I shouldn't be talking to you about it. You have a whole family and I don't want your wife thinking there's any funny business going on between us." Riley said.

"Nah, you a good one. I ain't get dat vibe from you like you was trying to come on to me or something. I feel like you genuinely helped me out of the kindness of yo heart so I wanna do the same. Tell me what's going on."

Hearing her take a deep shaky breath, she sighed.

"I just really need to get out of Jamaica. I need to get away from my ex and his controlling ways. I need a fresh new start and a new slate. I don't think I'll make it if I stay here one more day. I can't take it anymore."

I went quiet as my brain began putting pieces to her puzzle together.

"Yo, is he hitting on you?" I asked.

Riley went quiet again confirming my question without even speaking.

"Bruh, hell nah. Send me yo location. I'm getting you out of there today. That's dat shit I don't fuck with. You not staying there one more day."

"I don't want to bring you into this mess. My ex Jamar would kill me if I took his son from him, but I really feel like I don't have a choice. I don't want him to grow up without a mother and I don't want him seeing me having to put makeup on everyday just to cover up the bruises. I wish I had been a better mother to him then I wouldn't be in this predicament. I-I'm so sorry." Riley said.

I could hear her voice break as she began to cry.

"Rye, dry yo tears up. You getting out of there today. You and yo son. You deserve to have a new life with your son without so much stress on your shoulders. So, do me a favor and pack you and ya son some bags cause I'm getting on my private jet and I'm coming to get y'all today. I have a few things to get done today, but after that I'll be on my way. Send me your location, aite? I got you." I assured her.

"Thank you Dave. You're a good man." Riley sniffled.

"Fasho, I got you." The call ended as I placed my phone away.

Sucking on Karen's neck, she moaned softly as I squeezed her ass making her wake up.

"Mrs. Webster, get up bae. I got a full day today. Do you got anything planned?" I asked.

Sitting up, Karen yawned then kissed my lips.

"Good morning daddy. I don't think I have anything to do today. Kendasha texted me last night and let me know she wanted to spend a few more days over at her Aunt Dorinda's house and the twins will be with your sister for the weekend so I won't have to pick any of them up. What do you have on your agenda today?"

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