Lucid Dream

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"Twink, that's it. It's done. He hates me. Our marriage is over. It's officially over." I sobbed.

"No, that's not true. Don't say that. There's still hope." Twinkie said, grabbing my hand.

"Did you see the look on his face when I told him that these twins that I'm carrying might not be his, but Smoke's instead? It was as if I took a knife and stabbed him in his chest. I-It's done Twinkie."

Shaking her head, Twinkie looked at me.

"I know that that's how you feel, but I feel like there's still hope for the two of you. Normally I wouldn't suggest this especially in this situation, but I feel like you need to go talk to him. The two of you need to have a sit down and really discuss the future of your marriage, because I don't like seeing you hurt and Dave is a good guy. I don't like the fact that he's hurt. You both need to talk.... now. Do you understand?"

I sniffled as I nodded my head yes. Twinkie let my hand go as she looked over at Smoke who looked as though he'd just lost everything that actually meant something to him.

"Maurice, as for you it's best that you continue waiting.... I know my little sister and she definitely has a temper. She'll talk to you when she's ready, but Karen you go now. Go.... now." Twinkie said.

"You're right, I'm going to go talk to him. Thank you Twink." I sniffled, then headed upstairs.

Normally I'd wait to talk to him because when he or I were upset we believed in giving each other space. But this time was different.... this time I felt the beckoning call to take heed to take heed to Twinkie's words. It was almost as if there was something waiting for me upstairs. It made me anxious, but I had to follow my gut. A woman's intuition never lied. As I made my way up the stairs I had this eerie feeling. It was one that I couldn't quite shake. Once I made it to the top that eerie feeling multiplied. Hearing the faint distant sounds of moaning, grunting, skin smacking, and a headboard banging against the wall made this feeling in the pit of my stomach turn more into balls of fear and anticipation as to what I'd see when I opened the door.

My eyes instantly began to water knowing some foul play was going on. As I edged closer to the door I couldn't stop the feeling that told me to go straight inside the room. I needed further clarification though. I couldn't just barge in. Getting closer to the door, I heard the one thing that set everything into play.

"Shit, Dave you're so deep! I'm about to cum, don't s-stop, fuck!"

Knowing exactly who that female voice belonged to I didn't wait another moment. I grabbed the doorknob in an attempt to open it only to discover that it was locked.

"Dave, Dave I know you're in there! Open this fucking door right now before I rip this bitch off the hinges!" I yelled, beating on the door.

There was suddenly a silence on the other end of the door, but I already knew that they were still having sex. Dave was never one to just stop in the middle of anything. He finished whatever he started.

"Oh, y'all must think I'm playing? Okay. Alright. You got the right trick but the wrong bitch. Ima show you something. I'll hurt the both of you." I went into my hair and pulled a bobby pin out.

Sticking it inside the door, I fiddled with the lock for a few moments before it came undone and the door released giving me access to the other side. Once it was unlocked I quickly opened the door and made my way inside only to see a scene that completely destroyed my heart.

There on the bed laid my husband and my best friend and closest sister Dorinda on top of him.

"Before you go crazy let me explain ma." Dave said.

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