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"Yo, how things been going with Karen?" Smoke asked over the phone.

"Not good, she kicked a nigga out the bedroom. She ain't talked to me since. I took her Kitana to be fed but even then she ain't say two words to me. I feel something coming bruh."

"Whatchu mean you feel something coming? Like what?" Smoke asked.

"Like a separation or something foo. I feel like I'd rather her go ahead and go her separate way than be hea' and be stuck in misery. Ion like that shit." I said.

"Nigga what? Ain't no way you finna let her go. You love her too much. Y'all got six kids together. Three that are technically grown and three newborns I don't see y'all separating or shit else fah that matter."

"What other choice do I have? This shit we going through now is unhealthy. She's unhappy, she's going through post partum depression, and she don't wanna communicate with a nigga so.... I feel like I've exhausted all my options. I can't talk to none of her sisters about it cause they mad at a nigga too. They feeling some type of way towards me so I don't know what else to fucking do, shit." I said, rubbing my face.

"Well, it looks like you got two options left then nigga. You can either talk to Kierra, or Malaysia, or try talking to yo mama." Smoke said.

I scrunched my face up at his last sentence.

"How Ima talk to my mama? Really, bruh?"

"Nigga, you know if you wanted to you could reach out to her and get a response." Smoke said.

"The only time I was able to ever talk to her face to face was when I had near death experiences. So, whatchu tryna say?" I asked.

Smoke sighed heavily before speaking.

"Did you or did you not say that she yo guardian angel?"

"Yeah, I did say that cause she is." I said.

"Aite, that means anytime you need her she gon' always be there. Cry out to her. Get her attention. You know what to do bruh, duh. While you at it talk to God cause he truly the only one who can solve yo problems. Don't the Bible say with prayer and supplication make yo request be known to God? Supplication means fasting which you don't do so in yo case just pray my nigga. Tell him all about ya problem and when you done don't forget to thank him." Smoke said.

Taking my phone from my ear, I looked at it then put it back to my ear.

"Not you quoting the Bible my nigga. You changing fah the better huh? Spending all that time with Doe is transforming you."

"Well, while my baby might be crazy she's also strong in her faith. So, yeah... a brother done learned a thing or two. But look foo the point I'm trying to get at is that you need to talk to them. Talk to Kierra too cause she knows her mama better than anyone else. Don't wait til the last second to try to work it out. The longer you wait the worse things will get. You need to do something bout it now. Understand nigga?" Smoke asked.

Listening to him, I knew that he was right.

"Aite, foo. Ima go call Ki. I'll hit you up later." We said our goodbyes before hanging up.

I stood up and made my way outside to the backyard as I dialed Kierra's number. She picked up on the third ring.


"Yo, Ki. What it do?" I asked.

"Hey, I'm good Dave. I can't say the same for you." Kierra said.

I paused as I stared ahead blankly. Apparently Karen had been talking to everyone, but ha nigga.

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