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I stood by the hospital window next to Malaysia as she looked at me with this certain look in her eyes. Khari was too busy texting Kendasha updates on her sister.

"Dave, I'm so sorry. I know that this must be hard for you. Everything you've tried to protect her from has brought you to this moment. I know that you're beating yourself up, but you shouldn't. You didn't have any control over this situation happening." Malaysia said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Mane, Mal this some bullshit bruh. Kiyomi should not be in here. Those hoes jumped her then stabbed her? Like she just a kid bruh she ain't deserve this shit."

"Dave, I know that you're upset, but just like I told Karen I'm going to tell you too not to worry about this one. Kierra and I will handle it." Malaysia said.

"Whatchu mean you gon' handle it? Unless it involve y'all beating they assess I don't want to hear about shit else that don't involve my daughter getting out of the hospital." I said.

Malaysia grabbed my arm turning me around to look at her fully.

"Look at me, listen to me..... do you trust me?"

I rubbed my face as I looked at her.

"Do you?" Malaysia asked.

"You know I do."

"Good, then trust me to handle this for you. If I told you I got it, then I got it understand?" Malaysia asked.

"Fine, handle the shit then cause if I do blood will be shed."

"I don't want you in jail so yeah I got it. I'm gonna go so I can get Ki and we can start the manhunt looking for all those involved in this." Malaysia said.

"Aite." I said. Before she could leave I heard a doctor call Kiyomi's name making all of us go over to him.

"Family of Kiyomi Webster?" The male white doctor asked.

He was an older white man that looked to be in his late 60's. He had white hair and wore glasses. I looked at his name tag that read Dr. Gilbert Dennis.

"Yeah, doc. That's me. I'm her pops, that's her twin sister, and that's her aunt. What's going on with my daughter?" I asked.

"Okay, so I have news I wish it was good but it's not." I sighed making him look at me sympathetically.

"Give it to me straight doc."

"Alright, we were able to get her stabilized, but she was stabbed six times. Five times being in her uterus. Whoever did this tried their best to severe it. She was stabbed once in her back. She lost so much blood that she had to be put into a medically induced coma because she wouldn't wake up. She's going to need a few blood transfusions. Honestly speaking from my medical perspective I don't think she'll ever be able to have kids unless God sends a miracle."

I felt tears come to my eyes as his words sounded in my eyes. I pulled Khari into me as she started crying. Malaysia looked at me with tears in her eyes as she sniffled and we locked eyes. By the look in mine she knew that I was out for blood. I wanted revenge. She would be avenged.

"I'm going." Malaysia sniffled. Watching a few tears slide down her face she made her way out the hospital doors.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Webster." Dr. Dennis said.

"Thank you doc." He nodded his head sympathetically as he left us.

I dreaded having to tell Karen this news. More than anything I wished she was here with a nigga so I wouldn't have to break the news to her over the phone.

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