He Did This

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Sitting in the hospital, I looked at Dave who was hooked up to a monitor. Examining his injuries, I couldn't help but notice the black eye that he had. The busted lip, the bruised ribs, and the redness that lit up on the side of his temple from a slight concussion.

Closing my eyes, I inhaled and exhaled as tears came to my eyes and the memories from yesterday flashed through my head.


Leaving Dave's Airbnd, I headed home. My phone began to ring, but I ignored it knowing that it was Dave. Tears came to my eyes as he continued to blow up my phone. Looking out my review mirror, I saw his car trailing behind mine. I guess he decided to chase me after all.

I pushed my foot down on the gas as I sped up and decided to race home. Dave was hot on my heels he was so close that had I slammed on breaks he would have smashed right into my car. I cut through stop signs, traffic lights, and four way stops as I turned on my emergency lights, but that didn't stop him from coming after me. Finally after ten minutes, I arrived to the house. Getting out the car, I noticed Dave get out at the same time as me.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you chasing me like a crazy person?" I asked.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Dave asked.

"I told you that I needed space. What part of that don't you understand?"

"Well, after doing some thinking I decided that's not what I wanna do. You are my wife. We are going to talk about what the hell it is we are going to do because separation or divorce is not up for discussion." Dave said.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Because I love you, and when you love someone you fight for them. So, I don't care what it takes but we're going to make it work."

I placed my hands over my face as I began to sob.

"B-But Dorinda she-"

"Who cares what she said? This is your life. This is YOUR decision. What do you want to do?" Dave asked.

"I can't think.... I just feel like I'm boxed in." I cried.

Dave grabbed my hand and made me look into his eyes. Grabbing my chin softly, he stared deep within my soul.

"You know.... what do you want to do?" Dave repeated.

"You have to pay." I whispered through my tears.

Letting my hand go, Dave stood back as he stretched his arms out.

"Then beat my ass."

"Baby, no. I-I can't." I sniffled.

"Come on, I'm a man. I can take it. If you letting sixteen years worth of pain, anger, and rage out on me in violence is what it takes for us to get through this then do it. I won't stop you. Beat my ass!" Dave said.

"Ugh!" I yelled, feeling Quintella come to surface.

If he wanted me to fight him she knew that I couldn't do it in my own strength so she took over.

"Oh, shit. This the moment I been waiting for my nigga. I been waiting to fuck you up. You ready?" Quintella asked.

"Just get it over with."

"Say less."  Quintella said, punching him in the mouth busting his lip.

Blood dripped from his mouth as he touched his lip then looked at me.

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