Do As I Say

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Leaving the restaurant, we headed straight over to Kierra's. When we got there I got out the car and ran up her steps to her door. Even though my legs were still very much sensitive I managed to make it work. I went to knock on her door, but noticed that it was already open so I just went in. I found her sitting on the floor with her legs against her chest crying. Getting on the floor, I didn't ask any questions instead I pulled her into my arms and let her cry. I knew she'd talk when she was ready.

"M-Mama, she's gone. She left me." Kierra cried.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked.

Pulling out her phone, Kierra showed me a text message that had a picture attached.


Letting go is literally the hardest thing to do, but I have to respect your wishes and let you move on so that you can better yourself

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Letting go is literally the hardest thing to do, but I have to respect your wishes and let you move on so that you can better yourself. I want you to know that I love you. I've always loved you. Even when we were just friends working towards building us it's always been you. Every good book has to have an ending unfortunately this is ours. I hope our paths cross again one day, and even if they don't I want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart. I love you Kierra Valencia Sheard

Once I finished reading the message I looked at Kierra who was still crying hysterically.

"Ki, when did she send you this?" I asked.

"A few hours ago. She left yesterday. I was too late."

I held her as she continued to cry. I knew that she felt horrible because it was her decision to let Malaysia go. Standing up, I grabbed Kierra's hand and helped her up.

"Ki, stop crying. It's going to be okay."

"How do you know that ma? She's gone. She's not coming back." Kierra sobbed.

I hated seeing her like this. It reminded me of when she was hurt and going through with her whole ordeal with Drew. Placing my hand on her face, I looked at her.

"Listen to me. Mama is going to take care of this for you okay? Stop crying." I assured her.

Kierra sniffled then nodded her head. Kissing her head, I walked out of her house and went back to the car with Dave.

"What's going on bae?"

"Call your sister, please?" I asked.

"I- what's going on?"

"Call your sister now." I repeated.

Dave pulled out his phone then dialed her number. She answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Dave. What's up?"

"Mal, you need to come back to Detroit right now." I said, taking Dave's phone.

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