A Change

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I stared out the window of the hospital with tears in my eyes. Everyone was here in the waiting room from Dorinda, Twinkie, Jacky, and they niggas to Kierra, Malaysia, Kendasha, Khari, Kiyomi, and Carlos. I couldn't be around anyone right now. This shit was too much to deal with. I needed my mama in this moment, cause life felt like a fucking wreck. But since I ain't have her I decided to call her substitute, Jewel.

"Dave? What's wrong?" Jewel asked, picking up on the second ring.

"Fucking life. Everything going wrong, Jewel." I sniffed.

"Okay, do you want to explain so that I know how to help you?"

"Ion even know where to start man. Everything so fucked up. Kiyomi got pregnant by a twenty one year old nigga that I found out was my son. I did a DNA test and it came back positive. His mama decided to lie to me twenty one years ago about having a miscarriage now he here as a result. Khari gay and got a damn sugar mama that is Doe's hoe ass college lesbian experiment, and now Karen in the hospital cause she ate a weed brownie that belonged to Kendasha cause she wanna be a gahdamn weed head. Karen pregnant with triplets all girls once again. Now, Ion know if she gon' be okay or not cause the doctor ain't told us shit and we been here an hour and a half. I feel like a failure as a father. I don't know what to do, Jewel. Can you help a nigga cause I'm clueless at this point." I said, wiping tears from my eyes.

Jewel was quiet for a moment. I knew this was a lot even for her.

"Wow, that's a lot..... David."

"I know, Jewel. Just please tell a nigga what to do cause I don't know. If something happens to my wife or my daughters that she carrying my kids gon' get shipped to boarding school cause I don't have time for this shit. I'm not finna put up with their rebellion." I said.

"Dave, I think they're rebelling for a reason. There's no way they are all getting into trouble at the same time something deeper is going on. I really feel like you and Karen need to have a sit down with your children and lay everything out on the table. As for your new son you should talk to him and see if he even wants you in his life. He's twenty one. He's grown now. When boys get to a certain age after not having a parent in their life for so long they tend to not want them in their life at all. I know that your situation is different considering that you didn't know he was even alive, but that just means that you should talk to his mother and see why she did what she did. I know that you want answers and you deserve to get them. Karen and those babies on the other hand will be just fine. You know what to do, Dave. Prayer is a powerful weapon. I love you David. Congratulations on extending your family. I knew that Karen would end up pregnant again sooner or later the way you two go at it. You may be overwhelmed, but you will be fine. You got this."

Hearing her words, I knew that she was right. I knew that communication would be a big part of getting through this. She always knew just what to say.

"You right. Thank you for the advice Jewel." I said.

"You know that you're always welcome. You also know that I'm always here. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're an amazing father Dave. You're not a perfect father so there will be mistakes, but the great part about that is that you're willing to fix them. Now, I love you. Let me know how everything is and keep me updated on Karen and those babies." Jewel said.

"I love you too, and I will."

I ended the call as I sighed. Jewel might've been out of town, but having her advice and support meant the world to a nigga. I sighed then decided to pray before going to join the rest of the family.

"Heavenly Father, I come to you asking that you would do what you do. I ask that you would come through on my behalf and work a miracle Lord. Lord, I ask that you would bring my wife and kids out of this situation unharmed. I ask that you would help me to work out my relationship with my children and I ask that if I've done anything that I wasn't supposed to regarding my children that you would help me to be a better father and a man of valor. God, I thank you and I ask that you would cover this prayer with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name, I pray, Amen."

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