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I laid in bed crying my eyes out. After everyone left I put Dave out the room. Kendasha took Karli with her, Khari took Kambri, and Dave kept Kitana. They knew that I needed time to myself. I couldn't understand why I was so hurt. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that Dave knew with me being in the hospital and him knowing I was in the hospital yet still chose to throw the fact that I wasn't there hurt me more than anything else.

I sniffled as I got up and went into the bathroom to use it. Even though I wasn't supposed to be walking because it'd only been six weeks since I'd had the triplets and I had to change my padding for my stitches because of the C-section. As I was changing my pad I started hemorrhaging a little bit because of how heavy I was bleeding.

"Mmm, God please....." I begged, feeling too much blood leave my body.

I wiped myself and replaced my bandages before getting up. Once I flushed the toilet I went back into the room and grabbed the pain medicine I was supposed to be taking and dosed myself up. Once I was done I eased back into bed and laid down. Laying on my back, I closed my eyes and suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe. It was a mixture of what felt like suffocation and drowning. I tried sitting up, but couldn't move. I felt myself getting more and more tired and before I knew it I'd fallen into that sunken place. I found myself leave my body and fall through the floor. Looking around, I saw that I was in a very dark place.

"Hello? HELLOOOOOO?!" I yelled, looking around.

It seemed like I was in some room. I was terrified, but once a spotlight turned on revealing a chair in the middle of the room I walked over to it and sat down in it.

"Alright, alters if this is your way of saying you're upset at the fact that you haven't been able to come out in a year and some months you can knock it out. It's not funny."

"Your alters? Not quite...." I heard a very familiar feminine voice say.

Turning around, I stood up as tears instantly came to my eyes seeing my mama standing in front of me.

"M-Mama?" I asked in disbelief, putting my hand over my face.

"Yes, it's me princess." Mattie, my mother said walking up to me.

I put my face in my hands as I sobbed. My mama wrapped her arms around me as she held me. I cried into her shoulder as she brushed my hair. Sniffling, I looked at her as she wiped tears from my eyes.

"I-I don't understand.... what's happening?" I asked.

"I'm here because God isn't pleased with your lifestyle and behavior. I brought someone else with me."

As soon as she said that I saw Dave's mother come over to us as well. Seeing them both brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't understand why I was here with them both.

"Karen, I'm happy to finally meet my son's wife. Given the circumstances it definitely could have been in a different situation." Minnie said.

"Why am I here? I don't get it. I'm happy to see you mama and it's nice to meet you Minnie, but I don't understand what's going on. Can you tell me wby God isn't happy with me? What did I do that was so wrong and it doesn't make any sense to me what's going on with my family?"

Mattie grabbed my chin as she looked at me.

"Sweetheart, don't you get it? Everything that is happening or has happened to you is God's doing. He's allowed these things to happen to you because he's trying to get your attention."

"But I'm a Christian mama. I pray, I-" She cut me off.

"You pray that's all. You don't read your Bible. You don't go to church. All you do is pray. Don't you know there's more to communing with God than just praying. You don't fast, you barely pray like you're supposed to. You say you're a Christian, but your words don't line up with your life at all."

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