Broken Love

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"Bruh, how you feeling after spending a night in jail?" I asked, getting into my car.

"Like hell. Man, I had a lot of time to think while I was in there. I just wanna thank you fah getting me out." Smoke said, getting in on the other side.

"Of course, we boys bruh. If we can't be there fah each other who can we be there fah?"

"You right." Smoke said, looking out the window.

Dorinda had gotten out too, but Karen came and picked her up since she didn't want to be anywhere near Smoke. I knew that he was hurt about this whole situation but I planned on helping him make things right.

"So, what you gon do bout getting Doe back?" I asked.

"Mane, Ion know. I don't even know if I want to." Smoke said.

"Bruh, what you mean by det? That's yo fiancé who carrying yo seed. I know you not finna let her go that easy." I said.

"Bruh, I don't want to let her go, but this shit is toxic. We ended up in jail all because of me. I should have told her. Now she don't even wanna be by a nigga and dats all because of me. Ion know what else to do."

Hearing Smoke sniffle, he looked out the window. I knew that this was hard on him. He'd been in love before but Dorinda was his first actual real relationship. All the other females he dated were mess offs that didn't result in relationships. This was his first time loving a woman and being fully committed to her. So, I knew the pain he was feeling.

"Don't cry, bruh. It's gon be aite. I have an idea dat just might work." I said, stopping at a red light.

"What?" Smoke asked, wiping his eyes.

"Why don't you do what you do best musically and write her a song. You know how you feelin bruh. You know what you wanna say to ha. If you write the song I'll make sure she hears it. Trust me on this plan nigga."

He didn't say anything. He just simply nodded his head. We finally made it to the crib. Karen wasn't here she was over at Dorinda's keeping her company. As soon as we went in Kendasha, Kiyomi, and Khari all passed by.

"Hey, Uncle Smoke." Kendasha said.

"Hey, Uncle Smoke." Kiyomi and Khari said in unison.

"Wassum, kids."

"Dang, daddy don't get no love. Wassup with that?"

"Sorry daddy." Kendasha laughed before hugging me.

"Hi, daddy." Khari said, wrapping her arms around my waist and burying her face in my chest.

Kiyomi did the same and Kendasha added on. I hugged all three of my daughters for a moment in time before letting them go. They ran to the elevator and went back to their level of the house. Looking over at Smoke, I saw that he was sitting down on his phone writing lyrics down so I decided to call Karen and check up with her. She answered on the second ring.

"Hey, baby."

"Wassum, ma. How shit going with Doe?" I asked.

"Not good. She's miserable. What about Smoke?" Karen asked.

"Same, he missing her bae. We gon' have to do something bout dis shit."

"I know, I'm trying my best to console her but with these pregnancy hormones it's not really working. She's been crying since we left the jail house. That was three hours ago babe. I hate seeing her like this. She hasn't been this sad, hurt, or depressed since mama passed. We've got to do something about this now baby." Karen said.

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