•1• Do You

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The next day I woke up to Karen asleep on top of me with her face buried in the crook of my neck. After we had sex all last night we took a shower then she wanted to cuddle until we fell asleep so I held her. I kissed on her neck and squeezed her ass as my attempt to wake her up. Hearing her moan, she shifted a little but kept her eyes closed.

"Mrs. Webster, wake up. Ya man gotta get up and get dressed fah work."

"Baby, no. Don't leave meeee." Karen whined with her face in my neck.

I chuckled as I continued holding her.

"Bae, I gotta work in order to keep this lavish lifestyle that we living in afloat. How bout ya come to work with me? I wanna introduce you to my crew anyway."

Karen kept her face in my neck not wanting to move.

"How long will you be there?"

"Just a few hours. Since I'm the boss I make my own schedule so Ion gotta work like det unless I want to. I'm going in today just to do one client and make sure everything gucci." I said.

"Okay, I'll come. Only because I need to get out of the house. I also want to run a few errands too baby." Karen said, stretching.

"Fasho, we can do whatever ya want once we finish up at the shop. But we gotta get up right now."

"Fine, daddy." Karen said, getting off of me.

I smacked her ass hard making her moan and bite her lip. She was so damn nasty, but she was my nasty girl. She went into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. I knew that if I went into the bathroom with her I'd most definitely be late showing up. So, I decided to use the bathroom down the hall to get ready. I took a twenty minute shower then got out and put my clothes on. Going back into the master bedroom, I saw Karen fully dressed and boy was she fine as hell.

She looked at me and bit her lip

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She looked at me and bit her lip.

"Hey daddy."

"Who told you to put that skin tight shit on?" I asked, coming into the room.

"It's not tight baby. It's just a dress. It's okay." Karen said, fluffing her hair in the mirror.

Walking up behind her, I placed my hands on her ass then squeezed making her moan. I tried pulling at her dress to test my theory. Realizing that I couldn't grip the material I knew that I was right.

"It's tight as fuck. Take this shit off, now. You ain't going nowhere with this on." I said.

"Babe, will you relax? It's just a dress. I honestly don't see the big deal."

Realizing that she ain't understand the concept I turned her around to where she and I were now face to face.

"You think I'm finna take you out and have niggas staring at yo ass in that dress? That shit showing all yo curves and you think it's fine? I'm not gon' have no other fool looking at what's mine. So, either you take it off willingly or Ima make you take it off." I said sternly.

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