•2• Do You

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After I stormed out of Dave's shop I ordered car service to take me home. On the way there I texted Dorinda and told her to meet me there. By the code I sent she knew that it was urgent. I knew that I probably should've been more rational and texted Twinkie and told her to meet us too, but I was too pissed off to think so I sent Jacky a text and told her to meet us instead. Once I got home I tipped the driver and went inside only to be met with Dorinda already there.

"I literally just texted you. Did you run here or what?" I asked.

"Karen, don't play with me. You know when you call I come. What's going on that's got you texting me in our sister code?" Dorinda asked.

I ran my hand through my hair as I sat my purse down on the counter.

"Can you believe that Dave's client had the nerve to try to challenge me? This bitch knew that he was married and still flirted with him right in front of me. I told Dave not to do her tattoo which would involve him having to see her partially naked because of her wanting the tattoo underneath her breast like.... bitch. Dave was acting as if his job was more important than my feelings so I stormed out." I explained.

"Is he crazy? You literally just got out of the hospital and he's treating you like you don't matter? What the bitch look like? Let me go find her cause what she not gon' do is try to act like you're not that bitch."

"She was a celebrity client so let's see. I've never seen her a day in my life, but she looks like a hoe. So, I'm sure there's not many people who look like her on social media. Her name started with an M I think.... I can't remember." I said, scrolling through my phone.

"This bitch here?" Dorinda asked, showing me her phone.

"Yeah, that's her

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"Yeah, that's her. She tried my entire fucking existence, Doe. How did you find her?" I asked.

"Because she tagged Dave in a post from the other day saying she couldn't wait to come to his shop and get some work done. Looks like I'm finna do a driveby. I know exactly where she stay judging by her house that's plastered all over her Instagram she stays in Palmer Woods. I'm going to get my gun and I'm fucking her up." Dorinda said, heading towards the door.

Before she could get out Jacky walked in.

"Who's house we finna shoot up? What's going on?"

"Some bitch named Masika tried our baby sister. So, we about to go to her house and show her how we get down. I'm grabbing my pistol. You got your razor blade?" Dorinda asked.

Jacky opened her mouth and lifted her tongue revealing a razor underneath.

"Good, let's go."

"Aht, not so fast." Jewel said, coming into the kitchen.

Dorinda, Jacky, and I all looked at her at the same time.

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