Love's Gamble

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"Dorinda, what in the hell? What are you doing?!" I yelled.

"Karen, get the hell out of my way, now! Maurice, come out of hiding! If you come to me now you'll make your death less painful. Let's go!" Dorinda yelled, walking around the room trying to find him.

Smoke had hidden underneath Kierra's hospital bed which I was surprised he could get under there so fast. I'd seen Dorinda crazy before but never to this extreme.

"Yo, D. Calm allat down and put the fucking bat down we can settle this like adult-"I cut Dave off quickly.

"Dave, don't. Just let her.... if you get in the way she'll kill you too and I'm not having that. So, baby please just move." I warned him.

Kierra and Malaysia sat in Kierra's bed completely shocked and speechless. I knew Kierra had never seen this side of her auntie. Once she was on a rampage there was no limits to how far her wrath would go. We were just alike.

Dorinda walked around the room silently before spotting Smoke's feet underneath the hospital bed.

"I found you! Bring your ass out here now lover before I split your fucking skull in half with this baseball bat!" Dorinda yelled.

"Maurice.... please just come out. It's okay. We won't let her hurt you." I said.

"Yo, you sure? I ain't ever seen ha this upset before."

"I'm sure just.... come out." I said.

"Alright, you can be booboo the fool and jump out if you want to. That'll be the last jump you ever attempt." Kierra said.

"Maurice, come out. I need to talk to you baby, p-please?" Dorinda said, beginning to cry.

Seeing her dramatics Malaysia's eyes widened.

"Oh my God.... she's like the bride of Chucky. I'm very much getting crazy bitch vibes. I think I like it." Malaysia said.

"Babe, shhhh."

"Maurice, bring your ass out now! This is my last time asking you nicely. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk baby daddy." Dorinda said.

"Smoke, just bring yo ass out now. We said we got you." Dave said, getting irritated.

"Fine, nigga."

As soon as Smoke made his way from underneath the bed Dorinda swung the bat smacking him in the face with it. Blood spewed everywhere as Smoke yelled.

"Gahdamn, nigga she broke yo nose!" Dave yelled.

"Dorinda, give me the fucking bat! Are you crazy?"

I tried snatching it out of her hands but that just made her hold on to it tighter.

"No, I'm not letting shit go! He should have told me!"

"Shit! You broke my fucking nose bae. I thought you said you wasn't gon hit me. You lied." Smoke said.

"Just like you lied to me for sixteen years. I guess we're even. No, I lied.... we're not even until I get all of my vengeance out." Dorinda said.

It was as if those words sent her into a frenzy because she started destroying everything in the room that was in her way. She broke the TV, busted up the counters and I.V bags, then busted the fountain that was on the sink making water spray everywhere. Dorinda threw the bat down before looking at Smoke.

"I trusted you. How could you lie to me like that? How could you lie to my sister like that? You said that you would never hurt me. You lied." Dorinda said, tearing up.

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