The End?

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"Aite, we here Rye. You ready to meet your new tenant?" I asked.

"Really? She's not a tenant she'll be more like a roommate without the yelling and the hounding you about rent money." Karen said.

"I won't be paying her?"

"No, that's not necessary." Twinkie said, coming to the door.

"But I want to. I insist." Riley said.

Karen, Twinkie, and I looked at her confused.

"Are you sure? You really don't have to." Twinkie said.

"Yes, I'm sure. I couldn't possibly let you house me for free. How much?" Riley asked.

"Uh, $75-"

"Is $150 a week okay?" Riley asked.

"That's fine. It's perfect actually. Thank you sweetheart. If you go inside I'll show you your room."

"Yes ma'am." Riley said, going into the house. "Wait, here you go. Your first week's rent."

Riley handed Twinkie the one hundred and fifty dollars then headed inside the house. Once she disappeared completely Twinkie looked at Karen and I amused.

"Well, she seems like a total sweetheart. How long will she be staying?"

"Three weeks at the most. Ima start making calls as soon as I get home to get started on finding her a place to stay with her son." I said.

"We're going to leave now, but let me know if you have any problems." Karen said, hugging Twinkie.

"You say that like she's a child Karen. I'm sure she'll be fine."

I chuckled at Twinkie's words before I hugged Twinkie and Karen and I left. Getting back in the car, I wanted to know what the issue was from earlier, but I would wait until we got home.

Karen and I rode home in comfortable silence as I thought about what I would say as soon as we got there. When we parked, I got out of my car and came around and opened the door for her. We went inside and something felt off. I could feel her mood switch quickly.

"Bae, what's going on witchu? I don't like these mood swings that you have been going through today. Can you just talk to me? Tell me what I did wrong if I've done something wrong."

"David, I don't want to talk about it. Can we please just.... leave it alone?" Karen asked.

"No, I'm your husband and you're not about to keep secrets from me. Tell me what it is right now."


I looked at her weird.

"Okay.... what does that have to do with your mood?"

"She sent me a paragraph basically bashing me for not being angry with you and for taking you back so quickly as if nothing happened." Karen said.

"Let me see the text " Karen went into her phone and pulled the text up.

She then handed me her phone. I read the message at least three times before looking back at her. As I read it I slowly began to get angry because of the way Dorinda talked to her. It didn't make sense for someone to be that upset because of the decisions of others. My nose flared as I handed her the phone back.

"So, why aren't you angry?" I asked.

"I don't know Dave. I don't know. I should be. I should hate your ass for all the shit you put me through. I should hate you for leaving me and not giving a fuck about all the stuff I went through while you were gone. I should be angry, but I'm not and that really makes me question myself because I went through fucking hell. I wanted to die so many times. I drank myself to sleep most nights because being conscious in a state of awareness hurt too much. All I felt was pain. Our daughter tried to kill herself. Our other two daughters went sixteen years without getting to know you. I should be angry. I should hate you, but damn for the life of me I can't understand why I love you the way that I do." Karen said, tears coming to her eyes.

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