Untold Truth •3•

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"WHAT THE FUCK!" I heard Dave yell. My sisters and I all ran over to where he was which just so happened to be the room Kiyomi and Khari shared.

My eyes widened seeing Khari half naked with some woman on her laptop screen. I went to go forth, but Jacky grabbed me and held me back already knowing what I was about to do.

"Who the fuck are you? What is this? Khari Valencia Webster answer me, now!" I yelled.

"M-Mommy..... I can explain. Daddy, aunties.... can I get some time to get dressed please?"

"Summer?!" Dorinda yelled. I turned to look at her as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"In the flesh baby." The woman on the screen spoke.

"Oh my God.... I cannot believe this shit."

The look of annoyance and frazzlement swarmed Dorinda's face letting me know she knew something that everyone else didn't.

"Dorinda, you know this hoe?" Jacky asked.

"Remember you said in the other room that everyone went through their little gay phases? Well, Summer was my roommate in college. She was my first lesbian experiment." Dorinda said.

"Yo, what the fuck bruh. How the fuck her ass get entangled with our daughter?"

"That sounds like a question you need to be asking her Dave. But I will say this.... Summer was very good at what she knew how to do. She almost turned my ass completely out that was until I got a hold of a dick. But uh.... yeah. Your children are wilding out. Sounds like to me we need to leave and let you and KareBear handle y'all responsibilities with your children." Dorinda said.

"Sounds about right.... I'll walk you guys out. Dorinda, come here. I need to talk to you specifically. Dave handle that until I get back." I said, referring to Khari.

I walked my sisters out the door and said my goodbyes before holding Dorinda back.

"What's up?" Dorinda asked.

"You. You're not going anywhere. I need you to stay right here with me, because I don't want to have a redo of what Dave and I are currently dealing with regarding Kiyomi. Meaning you'll be able to talk to Khari about that cougar ass bitch that has her claws in my daughter. Are you understanding where I'm coming from?" I asked.

Dorinda looked at me then squinted.

"Yeah, I got you."

"Good, now have a seat in the kitchen at the lanai. I'll be back in here in a minute. Before I go though I need to eat something.... hold on." I walked into the kitchen and went into the refrigerator.

I found a brownie sitting on a plate in there and ate the whole thing.

"Gahdamn, slow down. I see you eating for three people is now starting to catch up to you the way you just inhaled the fucking thing." Dorinda said.

"Listen, I needed that. Sweets are something that put me in a state of euphoria and so that I won't kill Khari or anyone else it was best that I ate that because if not blood will be shed. Now...." I sucked my fingers as I looked at her. "Stay here, I'll be back."

Walking out the kitchen, I went back into Khari and Kiyomi's room.

This shit needed to be handled pronto.


"Khari, what the hell is going on? What the fuck is this shit and who that hoe on the screen?" I questioned.

"She's not a hoe dad. She's my-"

"I'm her daddy. I can be her mama at times, but she prefers calling me Big Mama. The mother thing is a freaky kink that I thoroughly enjoy and so does she." Summer spoke.

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