Coming for Camila

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Junior pov- I told my papa what was going on and he had that I told you so look as did my mama who I didn't notice was there with my siblings and cousin all laughing which made me even more pissed up I punch a hole in the wall.

Miguel- enough figlio, will told you this would happen, I told you to be more careful making sure no one saw you, or the girls didn't record you.

Angel- what your not suppose to say he should have been more careful, you should be saying he shouldn't have done it, Junior if you really loved her then you would wait.

Miguel- baby girl his a man, she wasn't here so it doesn't count, I know when she does he will be 100percent faithful to her right figlio.

Junior- si papa of I will, And I know in some ways in was wrong but I got a little weak and something else thinking for me, I love Camila, She has and always will be my heart, anyways I'm gunna head to Italy I have Camila on our private Island she on break she starts her new year here so I figure that I could have a little holiday make it up to her, That okay right papa I will do all my business paper work from there and have it before every deadline I will do meetings through zoom.

Miguel- relax Figlio no need for that I will handle it all the work as well as Saul but I won't kill him until your home so you better make things right with her figlio woman like her are hard to come by I would know because I have one of them right here.

Junior- okay I'm gunna leave you all, I don't want to stay and watch this get further cause that would be a horrific image I will never be able to erase.

Junior pov- I went upstairs packed a few things then Jumped into the shower had a quick wash then got dressed and headed to limo waiting outside was Juan open the door for me then we drove of my mind was solely on Camila, I know I messed up and I know I shouldn't be mad when she was dancing with some guy and he was all over her.
But hell I can't help it I am a possessive man yeah it's a double standard cause of what I had with woman, that right had as in no more those two girls who I can even remembered there names well I never remember any of them anyways point been I am only Camila man now I just hope crazy bitch's don't pop up and try to destroy our relationship the way they did to my parents I just hope we can be that strong.

With Camila

Camila pov - okay let me recap a few things I am 17 years old every one things I'm this sweet innocent loving girl, well I am not at least not any more ever since this new girl Tammy came bout 3 years ago she took me out and well brought a bit of the wild side out in me.
Am I virgin well kinda half, when I mean half I mean like 5 months ago Tammy took me out when I got another video sent to me of Junior fucking some other girls so I decided that I would sneak out with Tammy we went to this party and this guy name Liam was there we hit it of and after a couple of drinks he eat me out and I gave him a blowjob he tried to take things further but I just couldn't do it an overwhelming feeling of guilt at what I already done hit me I even ran out of the party and went straight back to the school. I felt so guilty I didn't talk to him for days he left so many voice msg screaming Until I final called him back.
We take me to were I am now well I am at Junior family private Island see I went to a club which a new belonged to Junior I called Liam to come to well make Junior jealous and teach him that I can play his game too, which yes of course it worked he got all mad a possessive like always but what new made him snap was me cutting him of by hanging the phone up. I new he would have one of his guards on me in two seconds which he did I put up a fight for show but gave in why you say well I new Junior would come and he would take me and not wait 5 months.
So I am here in this mansion waiting for my so called man who has been whoring around call me crazy but I will give him a chance but best believe I will make him work his ass off to earn my trust back I will come clean about Liam and I want him to come clean about every girl I don't care how many there is.
We will start fresh then we will see if he can be faithful if after 6 months he can then I will give him My virginity.
I was seating in the living room watched a movie it's like 7am I couldn't really sleep I texted Tammy and told her that I wouldn't be coming back that his got me now but I will call her every day and I will visit her, I couldn't tell her where I was I know the code, and no she doesn't know I am part of a Mafia family that's something you don't really want to tell a a Catholic boarding school in Italy run by nuns.
Just as I was about to turn the tv off to get something to eat Junior comes storming in and yep I guess my planned worked maybe a little to well cause he is looking crazy mad right now...
Maybe I went a little to far I started to get up and was gunna ran up the stairs but I didn't make Junior grabbed me by my arm then he used his other wrap around my hair and pulled it back.

Camila- owww let go Junior let go what's wrong with you.

Junior pov I had a tight hold of her hair wrapped up in my fist I pushed her so she trapped on the wall.

Junior- what's wrong with me, that what your asking why the hell where you at club, thats not you that's not the Camila I know who act like it's that Puttana of a friend of yours yes the sister told me all about her do you know that she at 17 has three children different and 3 different fathers none of which are in there life, I also talked to her parents they said they had enough and are struggling to take of them they don't want her going around having sex with all this men and coming back pregnant again and not knowing who the father is thats why she got sent there she will ago go to the 6 year college attached to it she as of today is on complete lockdown cause she needs to get it together and not go out and get drunk and pop some pills and sleep with the first guys she see, she needs to finish get clean up get a job and be mother not a puttana .

Camila pov- I was shocked was it true about what he said about Tammy Junior like always can read me he let go of my hair and went to pick up a file and handed it to me and sure enough it was Tammy
Why would she do this to her kids, there has to be reason why never was around I was reading court papers and she didn't want to give her rights up but she just wanted her parents to raise them till they where old enough but the Judge gave custody to her parents and she got sent to the boarding school.
I have to know what happen and why I know what Junior gave me in true if he got it its not false but I know there is more to it and I will fine out I will call her later tonight.

Camila - okay so it is true but there has to be another reason of why she would do that

Junior- every thing she said is in there what else could there be but if it means that much to you mia cara then I will get
Now come on we have to go Back home we go shopping to do I promise Miracle was suppose to it yesterday but I flew here for you to get you everyone else will be coming along too then I will take you on a holiday.
But don't think I forgot about that boy who was all over you, you will be punished for that mark works cara , you will also tell me everything

Camila- punished for what, you have done way more I have seen it with my own eyes how do you think that made me feel huh?

Junior-Fine we will both come clean, but I promise from on this day one I will be faithful to only you, your mine my forever and always Cara my heart and soul I promise on family that it will only be you.

Writers note : so what will Camila do should she give him a chance.
Will she? Or won't she?

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