Camila and Junior

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Junior pov- Last night was the best night I have ever had, how could it not be when I had my Camila with me I hater it to end last night she ended up falling asleep so I carried her back to the limo and took her home it is now 6am and I must get my day started and she has to go to school Mateo will be with her along with Carlos Alejandro won't be as he is still recovering, Still can't believe he is going to be a father already I know he will make a good one I can tell by the way he is with Our younger cousin he maybe a ruthless assassin his worse then Mateo and I he could torture somebody for months on end without killing them but when his with the kids his like this giant teddy bear and I see it more now with Lena.
I slowly rub Camila cheeks laying soft kisses on her till she slowly opens her eyes.

Junior- good morning mio piccola coniglia, I know it is early but I wanted to wake you before I leave, I will try and make it back before dinner if I can but if I can't eat your dinner and don't try and stay up waiting for me you need your sleep.
Oh and have a good day a school, if anyone does anything to you, you are to tell Mateo or Carlos is that understood.
Ti mio amo amore

Camila- mmmm I promise I will, not that I will need it, you know I can take care of myself, and if Erica or her whore face little minions try anything I will rearrange there face just like I did to her.

Junior- coniglia you never have to worry about Erica or Her father Mr Robenson again, no get up and get ready I will have breakfast with you before I leave.

Camila- okay I will be down in 20 minutes.

Junior pov- I made my way down stairs to head to kitchen like always mama was helping the maids with breakfast as soon as she see me her face lights up, she doesn't know that on my 18 I will be the chairman head CEO of all the cruz companies as well has the new Mafia king and my brother's when they graduated high school will do business classes online as well as work they already know how everything runs they work park time so they run in successfully with me they will each have a company they will run but all big million or billon dollar contracts will have to go through my approval first before they can go a head with it, some people may think its nit fair because we are triplets but there fine with it, they don't want the responsibility well that big of one anyways they don't mind running the company but all the big contracts they don't want that they know one mess up could cost billons and they all agreed our papa was gunna make us all equal chairman CEO but my brother's didn't want it.

Junior- morning mama ( kissed her on both her cheeks )

Angel- morning baby how was your date yesterday did she love it.

Junior- yes mama yes loved it, she said I didn't need to do that much, but I told her that I will be busy with back to back meetings for at least a few months.
It truly was the best night mama

Angel- good I am glad she loved it, you better treat her right she is a good girl if I find out you hurt her in anyway, son or not I will castrate you.

Miguel- hahahah baby girl we raised him right I am sure he is treating her like a queen and if he isn't I am sure after your threat he most certainly will hahaha....

Angel- well it will be your fault because all our boys are like you , poor Lena is so upset because Alejandro won't let her go back to school, he won't even let her leave the house, he said she can't go anywhere unless it's with him.
And Junior won't leave to work as early as he use to because he has to check to make sure Camila isn't wearing anything revealing.

Miguel- baby girl amore they are just protective over them and you know dam well woman that you love that side.

Camila - morning what's going on here.

Angel- morning dear I am just telling my dear husband that it's his fault all my boys are over protective and possessive and controlling

Miguel- and like I said baby girl you love it.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now