Junior & Camila

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Junior pov - After leaving Alejandro and Lena Camila and I went up to our room she went into the bathroom to freshen up, My jaw dropped and I know I was drooling as I saw her come out of the bathroom, I think I have lost all self control when it comes to her, Tonight is definitely the night I will make her completely mine, "MINE FOREVER "  Damm she is just a true beauty perfectly sexy and all mine.

Junior pov - After leaving Alejandro and Lena Camila and I went up to our room she went into the bathroom to freshen up, My jaw dropped and I know I was drooling as I saw her come out of the bathroom, I think I have lost all self control when it c...

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She is wearing a cute sexy maid outfit.

Junior- so coniglia does this mean because you are wearing that, you are ready to serve me ( smirk).

Junior pov- she just smiles at me nodding her head.

Junior- mmm piccola coniglia you know daddy doesn't answer to head nods.

Camila- yes daddy, take me, take me now , make me yours.

Junior pov- after those words left her pretty little mouth I wasted no time and took her in my arms devouring her, so cute how she tried to take control but I won I always win I started sucking on her tongue making her moan if it's at at all possible I swear she made me even harder then I already am.

My hands started to explore her body, my hands moving up her thighs, rubbing them slowly, cute little moans came out of mouth as I slowly moved to her ass and gave it a tight squeeze my mouth latched onto her neck sucking it hard I want to leave my mark on every inch of her body so everyone will know just who she belongs too.

I had both my hands on her ass, I lifted her up as her instantly wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck my lips never leaving hers, I gently laid her on the bed, I stood up removing my clothes her eyes instantly went wide when she saw the size of me.

Junior- Don't worry baby it will fit after all you were meet for me and for me alone as I was meet just for you alone, relax coniglia I will go slowly and be gentle with you, I could never hurt my piccola coniglia, but if you are not ready we stop right now we can just cuddle and watch a movie.

Camila - no... no I want to I am ready

Junior- After she confirmed she was ready I slowly stated to kiss and suck on everyone of her toes, slowly licking and sucking my way up to her honey pot which I am dying to taste I made sure I made my marks all the way up both her legs. When I finally made it to her pussy ready to taste her sweet honey she was already shivering with pleasure her sweet pussy already dripping and ready for me take. I wasted no time and dived right in licking and sucking all her juices up its in best taste in the world and I don't think I will ever get enough of it.

her moaning and screaming echoed throughout the room, it was truly driving me crazy, I looked in her eyes as I shoved one finger inside her and she screamed upon contact she was that tight, I started kissing her neck to distract her before I added another finger I had to get her ready for my cock if she can't take my fingers how will she take my cock.

she started to relax a little getting use to the feeling so I started pumping my fingers a little harder and faster, she arched her back her legs shaking uncontrollably she tell me she is coming.

Junior-come conigila, come in daddy's mouth

Camila- mmmmm ahhhhh daddy...

Camila pov - oh my god that was amazing, he is amazing, I tried to control my breathing I was panting that hard, but before I could recover Junior is on top on me kissing and sucking on my breast I can't help but moan loudly from the pleasure he is giving me, I can feel him rubbing his huge 12 inch cock at my entrance, I am not gunna lie it scare me a little to think that is going to be inside of me, will it even fit he tells me it will but judging by his size I am not to sure, no turning back now.

he slowly pushes the tip in and it feels like I am already been torn open he kisses me sweetly on the neck whispering sweet nothing in my ear which makes me relax he pushes right pass my virginal walls and I let out a painful scream.

Junior - shhh.. shh it okay baby, ahhh your so tight your squeezing my cock so good but we can stop if you want.

Camila- no ahahhh no... don't stop please I just need a minute

camila pov- I take a deep breath and relax, I looked down and my eyes was about to pop out Junior was only half way inside me and the pained look on his face I could tell how much he was holding back. so I gave him the green light and he slammed all the way in I bit onto his shoulders to muffle my screams, after a while the pain went away and nothing but pure pleasure I began to moan and scream his name.

Camila- ahhhh. mmmmm.. yesss daddy.... harder.... faster.....

Junior- fuck coniglia you feel so good, I don't think I ever get enough, mmm so tighttt. so perfect.... mine all mine.....

Junior pov - I kept pumping in and out of her going deeper and harder each time her moans and whimpering was driving me insane her tight little pussy was squeezing the life out of my cock if she kept this I won't last to long we have been at it for a little over an hour, but I don't want it to end yet.

I turned her all fours and slapped her ass and she moaned and squired, fuck that was hot was all I could think of. I slammed my cock back into her I reached up and wrapped her hair in my hand pulling it back slightly, her legs started to shake I could tell she was about to come again, no don't you come yet I tell her we come together with that I turn her back around so she is on her back I put both her legs on each of my shoulders and ram my cock back into her pumping harder and faster kissing her lips I tell her to come now and fuck feeling her pussy juices all over my cock is the best feeling I pump into her a few more times Pushing my cock as deep as I can get it before I Release my seed deep inside her.

I look at my beautiful baby beside me I could help but to chuckle a little she is completely knocked out right now I can't help but to feel a wave of pride come over me as I am the reason for it, I got up to go into the bathroom to fill the bath up so I can give my piccola conigila a bath so she isn't that sore come morning I also called the maids to change the bed sheets after I filled the bath and got the temperature just right I went back into the room to go get Camila, I saw the maids waiting there so I picked her up and went back to the bathroom I pulled my boxers off and got into the bath with her and began washing her after I finished cleaning her up wrapped her in a tower I took one of my shirts and put in on her and laid her back on the bed wrapping my arms around her and whispered in her ear ti amo conigila and gave her one last kiss before I fell to sleep.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now