Italy- Time to hunt

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Junior- we finally landed in Italy greeted by our guards here, they have confirmed that Mila and Saul are still their hiding out in his grandmothers home.
We all get in the SUV waiting for us papa my brothers and I went it one and the other was my Zio's the guards jumper in waiting vans.
Since it was going to be more then an hour before  we arrived, I saw this as my chance one and only chance to call Camila before we stormed through Sauls hideout, I swear the man isn't that bright did he really think no one new about his grandmother the one that raised him and that was even before my parents killed his father.
Camila 📱- hi amore have you landed yet, I just got to school about to into English arggg!!!

Junior- what's wrong coniglia?  I thought English was your favourite?
And yes we got here few minutes ago just in the car with papa and my brothers

Camila- yeah it is , stupid teacher is just an ass he is always picking on me giving me detention, I've had him twice  and in two days I have 2 weeks of detention, I didn't do anything wrong.

Junior - coniglia what's this bastard name tell me now?

Camila- Mr Jake Robenson  why?

Junior- hold on a second cara, Mateo, Alejandro Mr Robenson Just gave Camila two weeks of detention in two days for no reason she say, do you have any idea why his messing with my girl.

Mateo- yeh I got one, Erica you know the one you fake slept with, apparently she was pissed that you rejected her and made her do that, she has always wanted you thats why she is always coming over our penthouse in hopes to see you, since you wanted everything one know who Camila is to you we told everyone that Camila is your fiancé anyways to cut to point Mr Robenson daughter is Erica she is a real daddies girl and not the sweet kind like our Miracle or Diamond and know Camila.
Do Erica is probably the reason why?

Junior- mmm coniglia did someone name Erica say anything to you at school

Camila- yeh she said she was your girlfriend and that you where trying to get out of our arranged marriage, I was gunna say something when Diamond stepped up and told her That we are together by choice she tried to hit me but I moved out of the way and she hit her hand they stumbled a bit before smacking her face in   A locker and busting her nose and she said I did which didn't if I did I would admit it.

Junior- Don't worry piccola coniglia I will handle it I will call you back when I can love cara.

Camila- okay miggy love you too and missing you like crazy already goodbye amore ( hangup)

Carlos 📱- Junior capo what's up have you guys reached Italy yet.

Junior- yes I am calling cause one Mr Robenson is causing problems for mi piccola coniglia his doing it for his daughter who Mateo said is obsessed with me her name is Erica.

Carlos - yeh I know Erica everyone does she is the school slut she has slept with every one on football team and wrestling team. What do you want me to do ?

Junior- handled it like I asked you too, I told you to look after her and if anyone messes with my coniglia you take care of them give them a warning and if they continue and I am not back yet take them to the cells.

Carlos- sorry Junior she didn't tell me, she said she was good if I new I would of fixed it already.

Junior- it's fine just fix it now. I have to go I won't be able to call just email or msg me
( hangup)

Miguel- Junior we are near there you need to calm yourself you know never to go into battle Angry it will cloud your judgment and that's how people in our world die so take deep breath's and relax or I swear I will leave you here  in the car figlio I won't have you jeopardise our mission and putting our family in danger do you understand me figlio.

Junior- si papa I understand I am fine now.

Junior pov - we pulled up A mile away we started running  until we got close and slowly approached the house papa my zio's and brother's went one way and Jacob our head guard lead the other guards the other way and soon as we got there we started shootings taking the 5 guards he had he tried to make a run for it but I ran and tackled him down  papa told my brother's take him straight into the van an inject him with a sedative.
I started looking around the house but I see no sign of Mila hell I only see the guards that Jacob went with I asked them where he was they said he told them to stay and check the house while he checks the shed.
Shed ? Huh I saw the blue prints to this place there was no shed just as I was about to question them further I hear Mateo screaming for us , so we all run out and I immediately ran straight to him my heart beating faster then a drum our papa is crying I notice the tears flowing out of my eyes as I see my brother Alejandro laying there covered him blood a bullet wound to his chest, I quickly calm myself down and run into to the car and got the first aid kit I have to do something or he will die there are no hospital here we didn't bring our personal doctors, as soon as I got what I needed I went back to them my papa looks at me as he holds a barley breathing Alejandro to his chest his eyes are red and puffing looking nothing like the ruthless Mafia king the world knows.
I rip Alejandro shirt and pour the vodka all over the wound and start to clean it before I cleaned my small blade which is similar to a scalpel and a pair of tweezers I try my hardest to drown out the scream of my brother Alejandro after about 40 minutes I managed to get the bullet out and stitched him up, I hugged onto my brother and told him I will never let him die as long as there is still live inside my body.
Just then a helicopter lands and I went to help papa carry Alejandro his not a small boy we all have our papa built, but papa been who he is shakes his head and said he will never let go of his figlio until he knows his safe and well.
Mateo my Zio's and I sat in silent just listen papa telling Alejandro to be strong and hold on and stay with him that he can't feel the wrath of our mother alone that made us all laugh including Alejandro it was soft and we barley heard it but we know he did.

Alejandro- p...paappa never, n...never l...l..leave you m..'amama  w...wrath.
S....sooo t...tireeeddd p...p..paapa

Miguel- the bleeding has stopped thanks to your brother just rest your eyes I will not leave your side Figlio.

Miguel pov - pain, horror is what I am feeling seeing figlio laying there blood pouring out of his chest my heart broke, I froze tears running rapid down my face, I didn't care if it made me look weak his my son.
Junior that boy of mine proved , that he was no boy but a real man although I saw those tears and  him freeze just like me he snapped back and ran to care and came back with a first aid kit and a bottle of vodka I new what he was doing I held Alejandro tighter  Mateo soon snapped out of it to and helped me hold on to his brother while my cousin got the helicopter to come here now.
Mateo and I watch on as Junior took the bullet out and stitched him up when he was done he was looking at Alejandro which sadness his hands shaking as he looks at his now bloody hands, his brothers blood I put my hands on his shoulders and told me it will be ago that's when the helicopter got there Mateo and Junior as to help carry Alejandro, he may be a big boy but his still my son and I can carry him I won't leave him until I know he is safe.

Miguel- shhh figlio we just got to the air strip we will be home soon please hang on and be the strong man I know you are.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now