Twins 1st birthday

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Junior pov- I can't believe our twins are turning 1 watching them grow in this 1st year I couldn't be more proud and the only thing that would make this day even better is if Camila where awake to see this.
I have arranged with Jeremy and my Zio Gustavo to have someone set up outside so Camila can be there he said it wouldn't be a problem because she is breathing on her own we do have a few power points outside so she can still have her fluids through the IV.
Before I go upstairs to get The twins I make sure everything is set up.

Before I go upstairs to get The twins I make sure everything is set up

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Everything is perfect there some thing for each of them and of course the other little boys and girls that will be here, mama sure did out do her self

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Everything is perfect there some thing for each of them and of course the other little boys and girls that will be here, mama sure did out do her self.
I only wish for Camila to see this know.

Angel- Camila will love it, her  eyes might not be open when you bring her down here but she will now figlio now why don't you go with Jeremy and get her and I will get Massimo and Marcela  I have already got them ready and by the way that girl of yours refuses to wear anything too girly I did manage to get her to wear a dress but I think it's because it was denim dress with a white t-shirt and I put it with a pair of Adidas sneakers
That is your fault you just wait until Camila gets up and wants to have a girls day with her playing dress up that won't happen because you have always put boy clothes on her, not that there is anything wrong with that, but every mother loves to have a girly day with there daughter.

Junior- I know she is like that mama I made her that way, so no boy will think of her in a lustful way.

Angel- you are unbelievable she is just a baby you don't have to worry about that for a long time.
Now go get Camila the guest have already started to arrive.

Junior pov- I walk into her room to see that Jeremy and the nurses have already put her in a special wheel chair so she will be able to be reclined.
I start pushing her towards the lift.

Junior- piccola coniglia this is going to be good I can't wait for you to see  it, It's everything you wanted there first birthday to be.
So you have to open up those beautiful eyes so you can see for yourself.
It's semi girly for Marcela I did change it a bit cause she doesn't really like those girly things but still got the ponies which Marcela loves since Papa brought one for her.
We got more for the other kids to ride
Those inflatable bumper cars  and the bounce house.
It's Amazing but I will let you open your eyes and see for your self because we are here Mio amore.

Junior pov - I know she is in a state like coma but I will always still talk to her even if she never replays back, I don't care the sad a pity looks people are giving me because I know as soon as I look at them they will stop  and looks of pity will soon turn to fear.

Massimo- papa..... papa....

Junior-  ciao figliolo come sta compleanno?
( hello son hows my birthday boy)

Massimo- bene mi diverto tanto mama si svegliera presto e il nostro compleanno
( good I'm having so much fun will mama soon it's our birthday)

Marcela- si papa I want mama

Junior- maybe soon okay how bout we go on the bumper cars huh, don't worry about mama Nonno Antonio and Zio Jeremy will watch her while we go and then after lunch we will have your cake do you know what that means

Massimo and Marcela- what?

Junior- you get to make a wish so from now until then think about what you will wish for but don't tell anyone or it won't come true okay.

Junior pov - They both nod and run in the Direction of the bumper cars, it breaks my heart each time they ask when is there mama waking up the only thing I can say is soon which isn't true because well I have no clue when she will wake up, I wish I did cause then I would have something real to tell them.
As soon as we get to wear the cars are we are all strapped in and then we start going around they both giggling and laugh as they both keep bumping me.
I swear it's like I got the only one that doesn't work properly so I can barely move which makes them even harder.
After we play on the bumper cars my mama calls every one that lunch is ready so everyone makes there way to the tables I pick both Massimo and Marcela up and put them in the there high chairs and the food is brought to them I put just a bit at a time they both are so messy when they eat.
I give them both the look when they start throwing food at each other which makes them both Instantly stop.

Angel- everyone it's time for the cake  are you to ready to blow out your candles

Massimo and Marcela- Si  Nonna

Massimo and Marcela- Si  Nonna

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Massimo cake

Marcela's cake

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Marcela's cake

Junior - okay you two just wait we have to sing happy birthday to you first.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Massimo and Marcela

Okay you to blow out your candle and make a wish.

Massimo & Marcela- mama... mama...

Camila- h...happy b...birthday b..babies

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now