Plane ride back home

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Camila pov- As soon as we go on the plane I couldn't hold it in anymore I just bursted out crying, every time Junior would go to touch me or move closer I would slap his hand and push him the way, even though apart of me wanted to jump into his arms and comfort me I know he is the cause of my pain.
I called Tammy before we left while Junior was having a shower she said she has friends where I am from and I could stay with them told me over and over again that I should just leave him his no good cheat better yet, tell him what you did with Liam but the thing is I only remember a bit of what happened every was a bit of blur and I felt really dizzy when I told Tammy she just said I wasn't use to drinking and I also drank different drinks I didn't stick to the same kind the only thing I remember is pushing him and him hitting his head when he tried to have sex with me then everything went black I know we didn't do it cause I wasn't saw I wish I could remember everything maybe Tammy is right I should tell Junior to get back at him.
My thoughts were interrupted by Junior shaking me calling my name I pushed him away and got up and walked into the back of the plane and locked the door.

Junior- Camila cara please just let me explain its not what it seems I promise just let me tel you the hole truth I have been holding from you since we where 10 just open the door.

Junior pov - I waited for a few minutes and she still didn't open the door I was slowly started to lose it , God why me ?
I started banging harder telling her to open the door but she didn't so I went to cupboard and took the key and went back and put the key in and slowly opened the door and what I saw completely broke my heart she was sitting on the floor next to the bed crying her eyes out.
I slowly walked up to her and picked her up of the floor I got on my knees and I was in between her legs I held on to her waist with one hand and with then other I lifted her chin up so she would look at me so I finally tell her.

Camila- fuck off Junior don't fucking touch me I don't know what kinda fucken dirty whore you have touch with your hands

Junior pov - My jaw hit the floor with how she was talking she has never spoken like that , what the hell happened to her but I think I already know and her name is Tammy well my little cara's attitude is something I can't take and will not tolerate.
I fisted her hair and pulled it back

Junior- Listen here cara I don't care if you are mad at me you will never talk like that ever a lady doesn't cuss like a sailor
Do you understand me

Camila- go to hell

Camila pov - no Idea where this is coming from but I can give in to my heart that's telling me to summit to him and listen to what he has to say, I won't do it. the next thing I know where completely on the bed he has my hands pinned down and I can't move cause his giant ass is built like a brick wall and his hovering above me.

Junior- I am going to talk and you will listen to everything I have to say but first I want to apologise to you from keeping this from you for so long and just so you know before I say this only your papa and mine as well as my mama know every one else doesn't they know some details that matter but not every thing.
Okay here goes when your mama was shot and killed she wasn't the target you where and the person behind it was Noelle Mila mother and some guy named Joshua Mcknight , relax cara she is dead now She did it because she saw the love I have for you even at a young age and she wanted Mila to be with me so she set out to get rid of you to make room for Mila.
On my brother's and I 10th birthday Mila father came to my papa and told him what he heard. Do you remember me telling you that day about Mila that I had to get some answers from her and that she will probably send you a photo of us like always, well she did she gave us the lead with out knowing that she did thats why we where able to get her and she name Saul papa said that was Roberto other son he wants revenge and the title of Mafia king well yesterday we tracked him down we got Saul but there is still a missing piece and we suspect Mila but can't 100 percent be sure Zio Dino is digging further right now we she sent you some stuff but there is another number from Italy that we still have no clue who it is we are looking more into hopefully soon we will have answers thats also why we haven't taken Mila yet cause she is the only one that can lead us to the other person because cara they are still after you thats why I lost it when you where out it's not safe.
As for me and other girls its all a lie I never did it was for show for the other Mafia families and my own sure the girls go in the room with me but I just pay them to make sex noise moaning screaming and slap there own ass I would just sit there in the room for an hour or so doing some work then get the girls to run out crying.
I will admit some of them tried to, but I never gave in Camila your my heart and soul my everything I would never do that to you that was all for show like I said in the beginning only your papa my papa and mama that's about me sleeping with these girls the family they only know of what happened to your mama and know you and that crazy bitch Mila and who ever she is talking to you.

Camila pov - I laid there frozen, I didn't know what to say all this information was a lot to swallow.
I could see in Junior's eyes he was telling the truth which means mama was killed because of me because she is protecting me it's my fault.

Junior- cara please don't cry I hate seeing you cry I am sorry I never told you I promised them I wouldn't and I swear nothing will happen to you I will protect you with every fibre of my being

Camila- it's my fault I was suppose to die not her

Junior- cara no, no you weren't your mama what any true mother would do protect there babies she was a true lioness protecting her cub, if she heard you talking like that she would be mad at you be strong for her, don't let her death go in vein.

Camila- your right I won't promise me as soon as you get the prove you need I get Mila.

Junior- As you wish my queen to be

Camila- I am still mad at you though you could have told me I am 17 I am not a baby hell you could have told me last year so yes I am still mad at you, you have a lot of making up to do, but right now I am tired so get out of the room I need to sleep and really think about everything.

Junior- what cara at least let me just hold you while you sleep you can cry all you want on me I just want to comfort you I am sorry I lie and kept it from you but I wasn't the only one who did it was for you safety.

Camila- OUT JUNIOR!!!! Look I promise I will talk about everything after we land you just blew a huge bomb on me just please give me this time to myself.

Junior- Fine ti amo cara

Junior pov- thank god thats done I huge weight has been lifted I hated every one especially her thinking that I slept around with different girls and didn't seem to care about Camila but I had to make it look like thats why all the footage was auto so you could only hear but I know that Camila heard one of them seeing her so heart broken was killing me once we get back home and I settle a few things I am taken her out well on a vacation anyways I think we both need this after everything.

Writters note

I know I am sorry for making it seem like Junior was not the same Junior in the first book but I had to it, I did say there will be forces that will try to keep them apart anyways hope your enjoying the book so far and I am guessing there is a lot of people that need to apologise to Junior for jumping to conclusions
After all there is always two sides to every tale.
So who do think the other person is?

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now