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Mateo pov- After my little chat with my brother's I went up to see our papa and mama, ha maybe me telling them about the girl I meant, I don't completely know how I feel but I can't stop thinking about her, I have the need to protect her, I have a feeling she needs to be rescued, protected, Judging by that massive bruise on her neck I know I am right.
As soon as I got there Miracle was there, she crawled in between them holding them in her arms I see the dry tears stained on her face, I sent a text to Emilio and with in 3 minutes he was there I picked her off the bed and put her in his arms and told him to take her to her room and the maids to change her.
I sat on the bed and held both there hands,
Hey mama and papa, I think I have found the one, I mean I don't know if she is didn't get much of a chance to talk to her and we also didn't meet under the best circumstances, you would definitely beat my ass mama, but she walked in one me fucking some other girl, but that chick she means nothing I have a feeling that Heaven-Grace that's her name and she truly is heaven, I don't know what to do, I saw a bruise on her, I have a feeling that I don't understand completely but all I do know is I have to protect her.
I could really use your advise.

Mateo- okay papa, mama I got to go I told her to wait at the penthouse until I get back I will see you tomorrow morning before we make Mila pay for what she has done. Wake up soon( he leaves a kiss on there cheeks and walks out the room)

Mateo pov- As soon as I was out of the house I jumped into my car and speed of back to beauty that has enchanted me.
As soon as I pulled up to the penthouse I parked my car and went straight up, I couldn't help my smile in excitement that I will once again look into the beauty's eyes but that was short lived as I looked everywhere and she was no where in site, usually I would Zio Dino but I don't want everyone to know just yet so I called Markus.

Ph cov to Markus

Markus- Mateo what can I do for you

Mateo - I want everything you have on the new maid at the penthouse I only have her first name, Her name is Heavenly-Grace
I want every bit of info you can get and I want it in an hour email me what you have got it.

Markus- I got it, but may I ask why, you want it, she is just a maid, what has she done.

Mateo - drop it Markus it's none of your dam business, just do what I say and get it for me, no one and I mean no one is to know about this, If this shit gets out, it will be your head.

Markus- wow chill, I got it I won't say shit.


Mateo pov - god his such a nosey ass, I swear he better come through and Heavenly- Grace my bella she better be ready how dare she disobey me, Nobody does, well unless it's My brother's well only the ones I shared the womb with.

1 hour later

I was pacing around till I got a text from Markus telling me to look at my email, I walked into the office and got onto the computer to check and there it was every detail.

Name: Heavenly-Grace Aria Tomas
Age: 16
Parents- unknown

Foster father: Billy-Joe Denson
Son: Kevin Denson

Hospital records: Broken Ribs from a fall down the stairs.
12 Stitches on right size of her forehead
For falling of a bike

The more I read her hospital record the angrier I got it seems all her hospital visits started when she was placed with the Denson . I do not see this as a coincidence.
She is home schooled but very smart I can see she is 16 and is in the same year as me
She has two Jobs, "what, why the hell does she need two jobs for, I mean sure I work to but thats part time cause I an still in school.
I have seen enough of this I grabbed my keys and ran to the car called a couple of the guards to come with me. My phone went of it was Markus, What the hell does he want.

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