Honymoon- Aljandro and Lena

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Alejandro - alright baby where here, put this blind fold on.

Lena - why?

Alejandro- because it's a surprise, now come here so I can put it on.

Lena- fine ( pouting)

Alejandro- don't pout kitten I promise it's wreath the wait.

Alejandro pov- I picked up my pouting kitten taking her up, I hope she loves it.

Lena - omg yeah this is wow like wow I Love it, thank you....thank you it's the best, I can't wait to see everything this place has to offer.

Alejandro- whatever you want kitten and no need to thank me baby girl I would do anything to make you happy

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Alejandro- whatever you want kitten and no need to thank me baby girl I would do anything to make you happy.
Come on it's pretty late so we will eat then we will go to sleep you can see and do whatever you want tomorrow okay.

Lena- can we at least eat on those chairs down the stairs the water looks beautiful can we seat there please....( pouts )

Alejandro- baby no need to pout if you want seat there and eat we can okay.
I will tell them to bring the food over there why don't you go down and get comfy but be careful.

Alejandro pov- I love seeing her so happy after everything she has been through in the beginning of her life so it make me beam with nothing but pride that I am the one that one that brought happiness to her and I will keep doing that till my last breath leave this earth.
I walked into the bungalow and told them to bring our dinner out to the lounges out by the water.
I walked back over to her picking her up putting her in between my legs places kisses all up her neck until our food came out.

Alejandro- here baby let me feed you

Lena - mmm only if I feed you too

Alejandro- hahaa okay what ever my kitten wants.

Lena pov- the food was so good, I don't know how I got lucky to have this incredibly amazing man as my husband, sure he is a Mafia man but when he is with me and our son he is the sweetest man alive, yes he can be quite dominating but I can't lie I love it and later tonight I am going to tell him that I am pregnant again, I had to get Jeremy to check again because I only just stopped breastfeeding 2 weeks ago and according to him I am 1 month along.
After we finished eating we cuddled up and watched the beautiful scenery in front of us

Lena- I love it here it's so peaceful and has a magical Quality to it, we have to bring Mario with us next time, we Mario and ( I placed his hand on my stomach and watched his eyes light up in excitement )

Alejandro-  really kitten, where having another baby , this day just got even better baby girl,
Thank you so much baby, just so you know there will be certain things on this trip you will not do now.

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