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Chapter of Carlos what happens when he tells the family.

Carlos pov- after I stopped Miracle from going out with that stronzo and that kiss, that kiss that had me completely on edge it look everything in me not to take her right there, I did however take her to my room that I have here and no we didn't sleep together we just cuddled until she fell asleep then I gave her a kiss and left I sent a text to everyone to meet me, Don Miguel told me to come to his office he thinks this just just about that Stonzo Marco, well it's a part of it but not all of it.

Junior- what the hell is my sister doing with that Puttana and how did you find out.

Mateo- Spit it out Carlos

Alejandro- quit stalling

Miguel- Carlos ORA ( now )

Carlos- I was going to check on her, because she hasn't been her self for the 2 years but these last few days have been worse and it's because that little fucker Marco.
I put the locks on the windows and doors on so she would have to go out through her door.
I heard him tell her his waited long enough and she will give him what he wants tonight, she thought she could handled it on her own, she said that we would all go crazy, she also said something about when she was at his house she over heard him talking to his father something about sealing the deal and planting his seed so they will be on top, and ending something she didn't hear the rest because she said she thinks they heard her.

Miguel- who is this boys father, maybe I will just pay him a visit and ask him myself.

Markus - his father is Tobias Montoya is Mafia is only small originally from Italy he get's most his money from prostitution slave auctions intel say he takes some girls as young as 12.

Miguel- that sick Bastard bring him here I will deal with them and make sure you have someone sweep the house anything of there plans give his men a choice loyalty to us or death the choice is there's.

Carlos- Don Miguel there is something else, I have never acted on it and I won't not until I get your blessing.

Miguel- what blessing?

Carlos- I am in love with your daughter I have been for 2 years but I have kept it to myself I only just said it to her because I completely lost it when she was going there to see him she has bruises on her stomach.

Miguel- that fucker hit my daughter my principessa. As you been with my daughter I will tell you later, figli maschi ( son) what do you think do you approve of him for your sister.

Mateo- I don't like the Idea of any man with our sister but I already new both of you had a think for each other, your lucky your you if you where any other man you would of been dead I know you will take good care of our baby sister.
What about you Fratello Alejandro?

Alejandro- I will only say if you hurt her I will end your life in the worst way, but I too approve
Fratello Junior what do you say, good luck Carlos you know out of us brother's Junior is the one who is the most protective over Miracle.

Junior- all the girls you run through, your telling me you want to settled down and it's my sister

Carlos - Junior I know everything I been doing I know how many girls I have been through, I was trying to forget about your sister you guys are my best friends I didn't want to cross that line but when Marco and your sister I lost it and it made me realise that I loved her and I can't give that up if I can't have her I don't want to live. Because life without her by my side is no life at all, she is the light to my darkness.

Junior- good but like my brother's said if you hurt her, so much as make her cry I will skin you alive and feed you to my sharks do I make myself clear.

Carlos- clear, but I will never hurt her,m ever.

Miguel- Carlos I have know you since you a kid I know your parents raised you right, but that doesn't mean I won't kill you if you do anything and I mean anything wrong to my principessa.
You have my blessing, now lets go we have to meet this Marco who think he was good enough for my principessa.

Carlos- si capo,

Junior- Markus has Tobias, Marco's father he also took his men at survived to the warehouse of the south side.

Miguel- okay lets go greet our guest shall we.

Carlos pov- thank god they approved I couldn't be happier, my happiness was short lived as soon as I got down there and saw that bastard I lost it and lunged at him throwing punches after punches Mateo and Alejandro pulled me off but not before I heard a crack and the look of his face I broke his jaw, that is some what satisfying.

Miguel- calm your self Carlos you will get your time with him right now I want answers.

Carlos - si capo I will hold off for now.

Miguel- so tell me, what are you doing sneaking around taking my daughter.
Did you think you would get away with it, you tell my daughter that she will give it up to you tonight, you also hit my daughter, I know damm well you know who I am, I am Miguel Cruz the King of Death, The king of all the Mafia's, , but then again maybe your useless father never told you.
Did your father put you up to this answer me ( punch)

Marco - y...yes he s...said it would be good for us, my f...ather has been on me sorry I pushed her .... My Father Wanted me to get her pregnant so she would be forced to marry me and then he.... Wanted....

Miguel- wanted to want speak up boy

Marco- to kill you sons so , she will be only air, s
He wanted me to control her completely, so she would fall in line when the time came.... Please don't kill me.....

Junior- sorry but the last time we let somebody sick son on the lose it end well but your not going to die right now.
Markus bring in his father.

Marco - f...ather.... Whats.....

Tobias- stupid boy, had to open your month couldn't be smart about sneaking in you got caught, Why was I given such a useless son.

Carlos - couldn't believe this shit, Tobias is low level Mafia and he thought this would work, well it might have if I didn't check on Miracle.
Speaking of Miracle I should head up to her now I said my goodbyes and headed up stairs and there she was sound a sleep I can't believe I finally have her, she is all mine my dreams to have her have finally come true I get in bed next to her and wrap my arms protectively around her and kissed her goodnight.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now