Coming for my queen

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Junior pov- I sat in my office in a daze wasn't even able to Comprehend what anyone was talking about they where in here working on a strategy, but the only thing that was one my mind was Camila our baby I can't loose them I will burn the hole dam whole world just to have her in my arms again.
I was snapped out of my daze by Zio Anothony all my Zio's and Zia's along with Vlad Nikolai father have recovered the only ones that haven't are my parents.

Anthony- Junior you need to get a hold of yourself if you want to get Camila back did you forget what your papa taught you before you go in to war, Tell me what he said?

Junior- you have to put your emotions aside when going to war because when you don't that's when someone gets killed or you get yourself killed, always go with a clear head, focus on one clear goal.

Anothony- exactly focus on that bastard Levi

Junior- Levi? , who the hell is Levi , and what the hell is connection with Mila.

Anothony- well Mila was more then happy to start singing there name, she didn't want to be tortured anymore.
As for Levi he meet Mila through his little brother Jarred the one who made those gas bombs. Looks to be he has a thing for the little whore no doubt she opened up her legs for him to.

Junior- Jacob , you and Joshua go back home and bring me Jarred leave now, I expect you three all to be here by tonight before we leave to kill that bastard but I need his little brother, so go 'NOW"

Alejandro- Fratello do you want me to go, make sure it gets done, not that it should be hard to get that little toothpick.

Junior- yeah go with them, we can't afford fuck ups, we don't even know if he will even care if we have his brother.

Markus- we have all the blueprints of his little hideout it's mostly underground so we have to be careful, we will still have all snippers on the ready incase they try to escape.

Dino- I have hacked into there system and will be able to freeze it and use one if there pre- recorded footage so they won't catch on.

Mateo- I doubt they will the intel tells us that his little so called gang are made up of runaways, kids that got kicked out of there home and foster kids.

Junior- mmmm there innocent they have just been brainwashed by him we need a way to get them out and let them know we won't hurt them

Mateo- here are the pictures of the men who are like those kids some of them are younger then us.

Junior- shit this is gunna be even harder to get Camila out without hurting them.

Anothony- we have this, we always find away.

With Levi

Levi pov- I sat it my seat starring at a picture of Mila imagining myself been inside her I instantly became hard, ha lucky for me I have myself a personal pleasure slave, I won't fuck her a promised myself I wouldn't fuck any other woman other then Mila but I never said that women couldn't pleasure me in other ways and while she is here I have been putting her to use, I got to admit she is perfect in every way and brought me pleasure I have never experienced before
I might just have to break my promise.
Don't get me wrong Mila is fearless and determined and she doesn't care what she has to do to get what she wants and I love that.
Camila is far more beautiful I can see what Junior see in her but she seem to be far to delicate.
Mmm I think it's time my little doll gives me my daily pleasuring.
I leave my office and head down to the cells, as soon as I get there I can hear her vomiting and say please not know baby we can't have him find out.
Baby she is pregnant, interesting I think I might keep her for longer, Mila wants to be queen that's why she is so obsessed with Junior and I will make her queen. I will keep Camila until she gives birth then I will kill Junior's bastard in front of him but not before he hands the title to me and Mila, but I can't have her in this room she it's filthy I don't want her to loose the baby this way she will loose it by my hands.
I open the door to her cell and stare down at her she puts her hand on her stomach.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now