Cruz brother's return home To a shock

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Miracle pov- I know I should breath easy, We just told my papa which I was terrified especially when he went off if it weren't for my Zio Rommel and Zio Angelo and mama I know papa would have torn him into pieces.
Now comes even the biggest part, my older brother's they will be back any minute I am so scared they are all extremely over protective but none is more then Junior, I figured we could tell them and my triplets brother's not scared about them there protective of me but not overly there cool where very close so I know that they won't go crazy wanting to pull there guns out.

Miguel- Miracle "ORA ( now ) your fratelli ( brother's) are here

Miracle - "SHIT Carlos there here I was just coming down and got my heart beating normally after telling papa, now we have to go tell my brother's , papa said he will not tell them, he even kept mama from telling them he said it had to come from me, well at least he promised he won't let my fratlli ( brother's) kill you, ( Papa also said even though he would love to watch that, he told me when Carlos was out of the room)

Carlos- relax baby your brother's wouldn't do that to me( At least I hope not )
I can handle it now come on let's just get it done, you can't hide up here your papa would drag our asses down there he already said we have to tell them as soon as they arrive.

Miracle- okay... okay..... let's go.....

Junior pov - After we got home papa said Miracle and Carlos had to tell my brother's and I something which is making my blood boil, I wouldn't be that way if it was just her but him as well it's either there getting married which I don't have a problem with well not that much or she is pregnant and I swear I will cut him into a million of pieces.

Junior- so what is it that you have to tell us principessa And you Carlos

Miracle- ummm well you see.. ummm promise me you will ke...( cutoff by Carlos )

Carlos- guys look I am not going to beat around the bush I will just come out and say it, Miracle is pregnant

Cruz brother's- WHAT? All three brother's charge at Carlos, "your dead stronzo

Miguel- save it fratelli, he understands why we are mad and has agreed to fight each of us one after another but you will not kill him like it or not he is family well even more then before and your sister loves him and if you kill him and make my principessa cry you will deal with me is that understood, I am not giving up my Crown for another two days and even when I do I am still your papa and my word is final no matter how old you get do you here me.

Junior- fine papa, we will punish not kill, you better take care of her Carlos we maybe friends but she is our only sister, tomorrow in the ring be ready would love to chat more but I need my coniglia and children to calm me down.

Alejandro- si papa, see you tomorrow Carlos, have a nice relaxing sleep cause when we are through you won't get much, Congratulations principessa and you Carlos like Junior said you better take care of her.

Mateo- si papa

Emmanuel- I new it the way you been acting and everything, congratulations, don't worry I am cool with Carlos I know he will take care of you.
And if he doesn't then I can go Crazy as those three.

Emilio- what he said. anyways I got to go get my girl.

Miracle- since when do you have a girlfriend

Emilio- who said I had a girlfriend, she just the flavour of the week.

Miracle- ahhh you are such a big.

Emilio- haha take her to bed Carlos she needs her rest.

Carlos- don't need to tell me I know have fun will see you later.

Carlos- I picked her up and took her to her room.

Junior pov- I swear I need to destroy something, first I get a call from Markus that someone in this house is taking money a lot of it all Markus had for me was that it was in the house but for the last 3 weeks it was pinning close to wear my brother's and I took our wife's I know it wouldn't be my brother's, I know it isn't Camila because I told Markus the codes to her laptop she has nothing he looked further because I told her about it and she gave everything so it's out of Lena or heavenly-Grace but he hit a fire wall so he told me it could take him a month I told him to keep it between us I don't want to tell my brother's till I have proof to back up what I am saying so when my brother's aren't with them I have them been watch hidden cameras on there phone on there Car and even her wedding ring as well. If that shit wasn't enough I have to here that my only sister is pregnant, I blame Carlos he is our age and I also blame our younger brother's they are suppose to be watching out for her, but I guess I saw it coming they are always out with a different girl every other day.
They are worse then Mateo was and that says a lot.
I take a deep breath calming down a bit then I opened the door to our room and the sight before me completely fills my heart with nothing but love, my kids and my wife sound asleep all cuddle together.
I change into a pair of sweat pants and hopped into the bed pulling them all into my arms my heart instantly calms down and I am at ease I shut my eyes and whispered my forever and always.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now