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Diamond pov This have been pretty crazy around here well crazy more then usual, Nikolai is growing impatient about me, he was going off at me this morning, It's now the afternoon and I haven't heard from him, I have tried to call him but he isn't answering me.
I just got back from school I went to library for some quite time to myself, I know I should tell them about Nikolai but they are so overprotective and with Mila and her crazy ass out there plotting  all our deaths we are basically on lockdown And when we are out we are all heavily guarded especially us girls arggg it suck, I know Nikolai and his family our allies so they could help but Nikolai would go crazy if he new someone was trying to kill us well mainly me.

Camila- hey girl sorry if I interrupted you, you seem so upset so I thought I should check on you.

Diamond - ahhh Nikolai ( crying) h..his  mad at me because.... , because I wouldn't t...tell papa or anyone in the family h..he h...asn't called m...me b...back...

Camila- hey it's okay? He probably needs time to cool off, but his right I know the family is in the middle of a lot of stuff but if you truly care about him and see a future with him, then you should tell him the families are allies anyways.

Diamond- your right, I will text Nikolai and tell him to come tonight maybe bring his dad to smooth things over and before they come I will talk to papa and come clean it was getting real hard to hide our relationship from all the overprotective ass hats in the family I love them all but they are too much the only man I want going crazy and been protective and possessive is Nikolai

Camila- I know what you mean which reminds me I should get back before Junior gets back and starts blowing up at everyone because he can't find me hahaha, I will see you at dinner and talk to your papa he knows Nikolai father so that should count for something.

Diamond- I will, I'll be down soon.

Diamond pov- I pulled out my phone and thought I will try one more time to call Nikolai.

Ph cov with Nikolai

Nikolai- yes what is it Diamond, I am busy

Diamond- ( crying ) I...I'm s...sorry, r.....r..really I am.. (hiccup)
I'm gunna talk to m..my papa and tell him you can bring your dad for dinner tonight or tomorrow I swear I was gunna do it sooner but this crazy bitch name Mila that is obsessed with Junior is plotting to kill us all just to have him, so like we are on lockdown well really just us girls, you and your dad can come for dinner I am gunna tell papa now I..I don't want to keep you us a secret I love you Nikolai.

Nikolai- wow baby girl, what the hell are you talking about, who dares to threaten my  цветок ( flower ) and her family I will have all there heads on pikes.

Diamond pov- I kept listening to him go on I love how much he cares and worries for me. As I kept listening to him I could here someone in the back ground.

Girl in the background with Nikolai

Nik baby come back and dance with me who are you talking to just hang up and come back and later tonight the real fun can start( kissing sounds)

I froze on the spot, who was that girl, is he..., is he cheating on me, god I am so stupid his older I am a 16 year old virgin what can Igive a grown man.

Nikolai- цветок ( flower ) are you there baby hello why aren't you talking to me dammit Diamond what did I tell you about this when I talk to you, you will answer me, I won't tolerate your bratty side.

Diamond- you won't have to tolerate nothing ever again, why don't you go back to the girl that said use to would have some fun tonight after the party, so just go back to her, after all she can give you what you want goodbye Nikolai you really did make me believed you actually loved me.
( hangup)

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