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Alexa pov -"shit, shit double shit I can't believe I got caught, how I mean I put my Device on returns of all cameras, so how in the world did they see me coming agrrr, if you want to know why I am doing this well I will tell you.
My father was in the military and he taught me well but after he died my mom wasted all the money he had left so we struggled for even the basic then she died when I was 14 so I put into the foster system but Since I am smart I finished school early and graduated college early too, I decided then and there I deserved better and that's what I will get when I went for an interview for a position in there finance Department I didn't get it they said they only hire people with experience which completely sucked but they did give me another job Thats how I got the job to be PA to Junior Cruz and when I saw him I new I had to have him, he will be the one to take care of me and give me the life I was suppose to have, but that went down when I found out he was already in love and was gunna get married to this girl, so I decided to just take what I wanted I hacked into there system taking money here and there I never did big or overly large amounts at a time just enough to get what I wanted don't get me wrong I still wanted Junior but I needed money, I new all about Levi but I didn't know she had kids yuk I hate kids and know I got fired because I couldn't help myself I was gunna make Camila gone for good then hack back into the system and make it look like she took it,  right now this to guys or should I says boys are taking me down I notice them bot wearing combat boots or something solid they had on a pair of Converse's so I elbowed him and stabbed my heel onto his foot then kneed him in the balls he groaned I took this opportunity to run, I didn't know where I was this wasn't the root I mapped down, I hear footsteps behind me getting closer shit, I just kept running blindly hoping one of these would lead me out of here, fuck what kinda place did they lead me too, all I see is cells I don't see the steps we went down, I ran down to the left and finally found the stairs but of course it's locked and it only opens through facial recognition.
I decided to wait for that Idiot, I will take him out use his face and get the fuck out of here.
I got distracted by people screaming for help to get them out but I got no time nor do I care but as soon as I turned around I feel a hand wrap around my neck and through me into the wall I screamed I could barely move I looked up and saw Junior, shit

Junior- what the fuck , you ( I look at her and the outfit it was her)  so your one that thought you could come into my house and Kill my wife huh, and you thought you could  steal my family's money  and  get away with it,
I thought you were smart, but I guess you truly are a dumb bitch.

Junior pov- I picked her up by her throat again and through her one more time into the wall before I grabbed her by her hair and dragged   Her over to the only cell we have below, picking her up and throwing her into the cell locking it and turning on the electrical wires which covered the cell, walking back up the stairs I put the code it which only our blood had the code for.
I can't believe this shit, I would deal with her now but I have more important things to take care of like my piccola coniglia and my kids,
I have to make sure Camila is okay I went straight to her room I sat down by her bed holding her hand in mine rubbing  loving circles sweet kisses.

Junior- I know you can hear me mia amore mia cara, I miss you, I miss hearing your sweet voice , your laughter that always filled my heart with joy, I even miss you teasing me, you always new how to get me.
Please baby girl just move your hand once more so when I do go to sleep tonight I will have my hope back, I know you are strong, brave and you can fight and through anything, you would never let anything stop you, please baby just little finger.

Junior pov- I put my head on her chest and allowed my tears to flow, I new I didn't have to hide it from her cause I don't care how weak I look right now, if been weak is crying over the woman I love not knowing if she will wake up, the hell call me weak, call me a pussy I don't give a fuck the only thing I care about is my family and bringing the light back into mine and my kids life and then means making sure then mama wakes up.
I lifted my little looking at her sweet face longing to look into those beautiful eyes again, then I felt it, it was stronger then it ever was before she squeezed my arm.

Junior-Thank you god, thank you baby I know your fighting to come back to us, this time you will never leave my side if you thought I was to overprotective before you haven't seen anything yet I will be 100 time more that's a promise, anyways mia amore I should go check on are babies and put them to bed I just know my parents have hyped them up

Junior pov- I give her a sweet kiss and tell her I will take the kids to see her in the morning.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now