Mini vacation with Camila2

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Camila pov- jet-skiing was the best and the best part was there was no one, obviously given the fact that this is the Cruz family hidden private Island.
After we where done we walked along the beach watching the sunset he put some music on his phone and we started to dance.
I don't think there ever will be another living soul that makes me feel the way Junior does.
We just got hear not long ago and its been 100 percent breathtakingly amazing, incredible Heart stopping , so many words, it's hard to describe how I feel, how he has made me feel. But the most important feeling of all is that I feel loved.

Junior- coniglia I am going to put a blind fold on you. I have a surprise for you.

Camila- the Island was a surprise enough so just tell me.

Junior- nope, And I will never stop surprise you because there never can be to many and you my future queen our life together will always be full of surprises.

Camila- okay, okay miggy put the blind fold on.

Junior- there you now baby girl hold on to my hand okay and be careful, mmm maybe yeah I an just carrying you I don't want you to hurt yourself .

Junior- there you now baby girl hold on to my hand okay and be careful, mmm maybe yeah I an just carrying you I don't want you to hurt yourself

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Camila- wow... wow... this is so gorgeous absolutely, spectacular it's , it's breathtaking

Junior- not more then you are( kiss)
Come we can go closer if you like.

Camila pov- as soon as our kissed ended I turned around and as soon as I did there was food on the raft.

Junior- so baby are you ready to have a picnic on the water.

Camila- omg it's beautiful, perfect, look miggy you can see all the fishes underneath the water is so clear.

Junior- I know thats why I brought you out here I know how much you love sea life.
And nature and this is the perfect place.

Junior pov - seeing her so happy makes me even more elated, seeing her in this scenery her eyes so bright and full of life lets me know that this is the perfect time to ask her.
After we where done eating I pulled the raft closer to the waterfall she looked up at the amazing sight before her, I got on one knee waiting for her face me.
I brought her the rare pink Legacy diamond she would probably lost it if she finds out I spent 50 million dollars on it but hey she is worth every penny.
Finally she faces me.

Junior- Camila my sweet beautiful girl, I have been in love with you all my life I have aways been drawn to you and you alone will you do me the honour of been wife my queen to be.

Junior- Camila my sweet beautiful girl, I have been in love with you all my life I have aways been drawn to you and you alone will you do me the honour of been wife my queen to be

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Camila- J...Junior it's beautiful yes.... Yes I will marry you, wait it's a pink Diamond they are rare
I love it, it's beautiful and if I am to be your wife and your queen you won't lie to me will you.

Junior- no of course not mia cara

Camila- how much was the ring and don't you dare lie about it or change the subject.

Junior - okay piccola coniglia, ummm it's 50 million

Camila- thank you for telling me the truth now tell me, why would you spend that much on ring, not that I don't love it because I do it's just so much money miggy.

Junior- because you are my queen to be and you deserve the best, now if your done I would love to make love to my Fiancé under this beautiful waterfall.

Junior pov - as soon as I said that her face lit up and she jumped in to arms, I slowly slid off her bikini bottoms took of my shorts and slowly entered her pushing my cock all the way in her breath hitched and she moaned in my my ear I slowly began to move in and out of her slowly deeply savoury the moment wanting this moment to never end I to her mouth and kissed her passionately it was pure Ecstasy.
We both released at the time panting starring into each other eyes holding her close to me I never wanted this moment to end but sadly we have to it's getting late and we have to get back.

Junior- mmm baby as much as I would love to continue this right here over and over again  we must get back. Come on jump on my back and hold on I will swim you back how does that sound.

Camila- sounds perfect

Junior pov- By the time we made it  to shore I couldn't help but to chuckle a little I must have really tired her out because she is asleep I grabbed a towel and wrapped her in it and carried her back to my home well ours now she is now fully apart of the family now.
By the time I made to to the house I laid her on the bed and went into the bathroom to fill the tub up once it was full I stripped myself and her then carried her into the tub and began to wash her and myself once I was done I wrapped her in a towel and dried her up and put one of my shirts on her and putting boxers on myself climbing in bed pulling her close to my chest wrapping her tightly in my arms closing my eyes and letting sleep take me.

Junior pov- I woke up with my beautiful fiancé in my arms God I can't believe she is 100 percent mine now well maybe not be soon I just want My parents to be there I want them to wake up and be here for the day I make Camila the next queen.
My thoughts where interrupted by my phone going off, I notice it was my email since I told them that is the only way for them to reach me I didn't want to be on call of two days I wanted to spend that time with my Camila, god these Idiot's  can't do anything it's only been a day and now I have to fix it, some mother fucker is gunna die apparently someone has been stealing selling of company secrets now I have to fix's this I get my laptop out and email Zio Dino and Markus to look into it or there end while I do some digging on my own.

Camila- Morning miggy.

Junior- morning baby, I am sorry but I won't be able to spend time with this morning there has been problems with the head company I need to fix's this.

Camila- it's okay hunny, I will just relax by the pool or maybe go for a walk on the beach.

Junior- okay baby I am going into the office now I just wanted to wait for you to wake up.

Camila pov- as soon as  he was gone I ran into the bathroom unable to hold it in anymore this isn't the first time it has happened, could it be , could I be pregnant, I thought it would take a while or maybe never because of my irregular periods but the weird thing is as long as I have been taking the pill I have never missed a period but I have I am 2 weeks late, Junior would never allow me to go anywhere without him or guards, I will ask one of the maids Maybe I can asked Teresa before she leaves,
I quickly got out of the room running down the stairs and I just caught her in time and asked her to by a pregnancy test she said she would be back in an 2 hour with it and also promised not to tell Junior well she said it would be my news to tell him not her.
I didn't feel like really eating so I just got some ginger ale and crackers as they said it helps with morning sickness.

2 in a half hours later.

Teresa - mam , her is your test if you need me I will be in the kitchen helping the chef prepare lunch.

Camila- I thanked her and went into the bathroom to take the test, I was so nervous as I was waiting for results. A few minutes later I saw the stick it said pregnant, my heart was racing it felt like it was gunna come out of my chest.

Camila pov- I new Junior was still busy so I just asked when he would be done, I really had to tell him something he told me he wasn't done yet but he would take a break in about a hour. I decided to take a walk the beach it was beautiful and peaceful just want a needed I don't know why I was nervous I know Junior would be happy about it, I looked up at the sky it was starting to get dark I smiled and made a wish as a shooting star flew across the night sky.
I started making my way back, god if Junior new I didn't stick to the trail he told me to only stay on he would lose it, I was so lost in the moment of thinking about having a baby with Junior I didn't notice that someone was behind me until it was to late the mysterious stranger put a cloth over my mouth my last thoughts where of Junior and our baby I said a silent pray for our baby to be safe as darkness completely consumed me.

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