Honeymoon- Junior and Camila

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Junior pov- my brother's and I all left for our honeymoon we weren't far from each other, right now Camila and I just arrived she is currently sleeping so I am carrying her inside I can see she is waiting up as soon as her eyes open she has the brightest smile as she see where we are.

Camila- oh my god Miggy this is incredible, it's god there really are no words.

Camila pov- when I woke up and saw the sight in front of me it was breathtaking, absolutely beautifully incredible.

Camila pov- when I woke up and saw the sight in front of me it was breathtaking, absolutely beautifully incredible

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Junior- wait till you see the bedroom down stairs
Come on I will show you now.

Camila- I can't wait lets go what's down stairs

Junior- baby girl just wait you will see it in a minute, so impatient.

Camila- I can't help it I am so excited

Camila pov- as soon as we got to the bedroom down stairs my jaw just dropped it was amazing it's like my own personal underwater oasis, I have never since anything like it, I wonder how they built it, I was completely lost for words.

Camila pov- as soon as we got to the bedroom down stairs my jaw just dropped it was amazing it's like my own personal underwater oasis, I have never since anything like it, I wonder how they built it, I was completely lost for words

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Junior- so do like it coniglia

Camila- like it, "I LOVE IT
The only I wish that Massimo and Marcela was here they will love it, we have bring them next time.

Junior- of course baby we will.
So what do you want to do first are you hungry.

Camila- yeah I am hungry let's go eat something baby but not as hungry as I am for you, I need you know take me...

Junior pov- words alone will never completely describe how I am feeling now, seeing my queen so happy that she finally had the wedding of her dreams, a honeymoon she always wanted, she once told me she wished she had an underwater bedroom seeing the beauty of the underwater life around her and I am happy that I could give her that I brought this place just for her so we can come when ever see wants.
As soon and we get upstairs the food is already set up, she digs in right away I am over joyed she can finally eat and she is no longer dizzy and drain probably because the person that has been poisoning is no longer around.

Junior- so after we eat do you want to freshen up first and go explore or you just want to get straight to it.

Camila- let me freshen up a little and change I want to go paddle boarding I always wanted to try that.

Junior - then that's what we will do first, come on lets get to the shower I want to show my queen how much I love and appreciate her.

Junior pov- I take her into the bathroom and strip her out of her clothes, as soon as we stepped into the shower and the warm water came down I picked her up and pinned her to the wall and pushed my self inside of her she moaned in Ecstasy I started kissing her possessively sucking her nipples moving towards her neck leaving my marks all over her.

Camila- mmm ahhhh harder "fuck mmm feels sooo good.... Ahhh deeper...faster oh god I am coming

Junior- "fuck baby your still so fucken tight, feels like I am taking you for the first time
( I pulled slowly out of her and she whimper at the lost) turn around baby I want to hit you from behind

Junior pov- as soon as she turned around I slammed back into her she screamed and moaned as I thrusted into her pounding her harder, faster and deeper I had her coming for the second time, I know she is about to come again I can feel her legs shaking.

Junior- Hold it baby don't you dare come, I am close,  we come together do you understand me

Camila- mmmm .....yes..... mmmmm please daddy I need to come now

Junior- hold it I am close baby( I thrusted harder and faster few more times we both reached our peak and came undone together)
Mmm that was so good baby, as much as I would love to take you again I promised you paddle boarding and they got the equipment all ready for us, so come on time to get dressed.

Camila pov - jezz I have no idea how I am going to do paddle boarding now my legs feel like jelly and pussy hurts, god he turns into a animal when ever we make love not that I am complaining because lets face it, I love it.
I put on my bikini and go back outside when Junior is already waiting for me.

Junior- come on let's get into the water.
Let's make a bet on who can stay the longest on the paddle board without falling.

Camila- your on, so what's the bet, what do I get if I win.

Junior- what ever your heart desires

Camila- well that's not much of a beat amore you already get and give me everything even when I don't ask for it.

Junior- true...true , how about I won't go to crazy possessive and overprotective with this pregnancy, well with reason I will only go that way if I need too, what do you say.
And if I win you can only go to the office for your important face to face meeting any meetings that can be done via video chat will be done at home.
Well at least until, we find out who has been doing it,

Camila pov - your on, "your going down miggy

Camila pov- I swear this pregnancy is making me hopeless I had way more coordination with the twins maybe this is a sign this baby will be clumsy, well I hope it's just me while I am pregnant, agrrr this fool is gunna win and keep me home and his laughing about it but hey I got plan B lets hope it works I am not staying at home all the time I ready work part time and home so I can spend time with the twins I don't want to make it any less ,I  paddle closer to him we are close to were we said the finish line is and I give is board a little tap and he loses his balance and falls I start laughing so hard as I cross the finish line smirking cheekily at him.

Camila- I WIN!!!!! I WIN!!!  

Junior- yeah...yeah... that's only because you cheated your lucky I love you and will let you have this one come on it's time to go back and get you and our little one in here fed, and by the looks of things it looks like you need a nap too.

Camila- yeah I am hungry and little tried but I will only sleep if you sleep with me, you know I can sleep good unless I am your arms.

Junior- of course baby you know I will never leave you I will hold you till you wake up now come on lets had a warms shower and get you dressed and fed.

Camila- grazie amore it's only day one and already it's been the best( kiss )

Junior- anything for my queen, you are my forever and always cara mia.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now