Mila's torture P1

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Warning this chapter contains violent content and mild nudity it some of the pictures.
Let's just hope people don't complain about the caption, I don't get called on the caption above, After all I did put my book for mature readers. If I do then I guess I will just have to just change it.
Anyways enjoy the chapter.

Junior pov- We are all gathered around talking about how we will handle Mila I told them they will get there chance at her as soon as Mateo gets home his at his penthouse with his girl, well he said it's not but the way Carlos and Markus say the way he reacted when he saw her and the condition she was in at the hands of her foster father and brother.

Emilio-Where is Mateo anyways what is taking him so long he new what today was what could be more important, don't tell me he was fucking one of his whores.

Junior- enough Fratello and stop talking like that. If you must know Mateo has found his other half although he doesn't know it because he to blind to but Markus and Carlos told me how he was anyways he is bringing her here so it will be easy for her to get treatment for her injuries.

Miracle- Injuries, what happen to her.

Junior- well Carlos and Markus said that she was brutally beaten and Jeremy said she has  been sexually assaulted Carlos found her inside a small crawl space in the basement he didn't tell Mateo but he is guessing thats where she sleeps as there was a small mattress but no blankets.

Miracle- oh god that's terrible is okay.

Junior- she is alive she is just unconscious because of the beating and god know what else but Jeremy said she will also need to gain weight as she is far to skinny and malnourished he suspects that its been days since she has eaten or had any water to drink, Even though he hasn't said it I know he cares for her, so we will all make her feel loved and welcomed she will never have to go through that again, she is family know and you know we protect ours understood.
Just as everyone one yelled yes Nikolai walked in and Diamonds yes went wide as a big smiled crept up on her face and she launched herself  into Nikolai.

Diamond- NIKOLAI!!!! Y...your okay.... Your really okay, oh god how I have missed you.

Nikolai- not as much as I have missed you.

With Mateo

Mateo pov- I woke up to the sound someone screaming so I open my eyes and see that Heavenly-Grace is no longer laying next to me so I head out and sure enough she is yelling at the guard at the front to let her out.

Mateo- baby doll I think you need to calm down and stop all that dam yelling,

Heavenly-Grace - you... what am I doing here how.... I... have to get back so let me go...

Mateo- that will not happen baby doll, you don't need to scared I nor any of my men will ever hurt you...
As for your foster father and brother well they are been dealt with you don't need to worry about them hurting you again.
But right now I need you to march your cute little ass into that bathroom and clean yourself up don't worry about a shower now just wash your face and brush your teeth I already put clothes in there for you to wear they are my little sister.

Heavenly-Grace - w...where are we going

Mateo- my home at The Cruz mansion we have a hospital wing the doctor I had look at you last night when me and some of my men saved you he bandaged you up and told me it would be easier for you to stay at our hospital wing in the mansion.

Heavenly-Grace - there is need I will be fine on my own r...really thank for saving me but I should go.

Mateo- baby doll I wasn't asking I an telling you so you can get in there and get dress or I will dress you myself the family is waiting we have business to attend to so we have to get a move on so what's it gunna be.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now