Mila & Saul

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Mila pov- arggg very thing went to hell all my plans down the toilet so far nothing as worked out like I wanted it to but not worry I have one plan that will definitely work in getting Junior to leave that good for nothing whore and I will use  Saul to get it, you see he thinks all I want is  his power and money from the business world and not the Mafia but that is the furthest from the truth I want it all every one will bow before me and I will get the sexiest man in the world all I have to do is get Saul to help me kidnap Junior's father and all his uncle's and aunts all of  them I know how much he loves his family Its the only thing that makes him weak once I am his queen they will all be out my mansion and as for Camila I will kill her myself.

Mila - Saul I have a plan which is a full prove one that will get you title of Mafia king .

Saul- ahhh fine what's dumb ass plan do you have now I have people telling me  that every one is after you for what you did to your father and his wife and kids, that is something you didn't tell me you killed kids what's wrong with you.

Mila- what did you want me to do they saw everything and why do you care aways you will get what you want.
Anyways my plan is that we fly back and kidnap Junior's parents and his aunt's and uncle's along with Camila's father I know he is in Russia.
Junior loves his family more then anything he will give us what we  want.

Saul- mmm that does sound promising, fine we will go with your plan but if  this plan goes south I will take you out myself, do you understand me.

Mila - I got it, but it will work.

Back at the Cruz Mansion

Junior pov- I woke up at 5am cause we where living to Italy at 6, as much as I didn't want to wake up this sleeping beauty that was asleep in my arms I did promised her I would can't break a promise to my coniglia.
So i started kissing her all over her face till she finally started opening her eyes then that bright smile came across her face.

Junior- good morning coniglia I just wanted to wake you up like I promised, will be leaving in an hour.

Camila- oh... (Crying-pouting)

Junior- hey coniglia, it's okay I promise to call you at least once every day so you know I am okay.
Do you want to get up and have some breakfast with me before I leave or do you want to go back to bed you still have a few hours before you have to go to school.

Camila- I want to come with you, I don't think I can go back to sleep even if I wanted to.

Junior- okay coniglia lets go will brush our teeth and clean up and change before we head down to eat.

Junior pov- I hated seeing her like that I told Emmanuel and Emilio to watch out for her even though there not in the same year I told them to make sure the hole school knows who's girl she is.
I know she can take care of herself but those guys at her school I know she will draw attention and there lust filled eyes will be all over her.
I don't want to go on a killing spree and kill every guy that looks at her with lust.

Junior- you ready coniglia, you look beautiful

Camila- yes I am ready let's go and thank you miggy .

Junior pov- Camila and I walked down the stairs
My mama rushed over to us only to pull Camila into a hug, mama knows all to well the look Camila had my mama had the same look when ever my papa goes she still does.

Angel- Don't worry dear you will be fine, I know it can be hard but we woman must always be strong  especially in this family and just think of  when they get back you can have your own fun with that little bitch Mila, I never liked that girl even when she was little, she was nothing but a brat.
Anyways come on seat down and let us eat.

Camila- thank you Zia

Angel- call me mama, might as well get use to it you will be my daughter soon enough.

Junior pov - we all sat there and eat our breakfast, just talking and laughing that was until we had to leave.
My mama hugged and kissed my brother's on there cheeks and told them to be safe and then she came to me and whispered in my ear that I better come back to her and especially Camila and to make sure to always have my papa and brother's as well as My zio and come back home in one piece.
I kissed both her cheeks and told her I will she smiled at me and jumped into the arms of my papa.
I turned to Camila to find her looking so sad she had her head down I went closer to her and used my finger to lift her chin up so she will look at me.

Junior- coniglia look at me, I promise I will come back to you okay, nothing will ever keep me away from you, you have been my heart and soul since we were 1 years old and nothing and I mean nothing will ever come between us.
I would rather stay beside you ever minute of the day but I have to go, so I can finally end this and keep you and my family safe it's my job to protect you.
I promise to call you on the plan before you leave to school and on your lunch break and then when I get to Italy.

Camila- p..promise

Junior- I promise ti amo amore

Camila- ti amo, I will miss you so much.

Junior- I gave her one last hug holding her tighter to me before my brother's cleared there throats trying to get me to hurry up.
I finally let her go  I kissed her forehead and walked out the door with the rest of guys heading to our private air strip.
As soon as we got on the plane papa started talking about the plan.

Miguel- okay listen up this is what's gunna happen we will strike as soon as we get there my guards will be waiting we have a hole army just in case I don't want them to get away this time I have about 6 men already close by where they are staying and confirm there still here but planing to move in two days time thats why it's important we make our move as soon as we get there.
I took this jet for a reason there are enough beds for every one you will all sleep so you are fully rested before we land am I clear.

Rommel/Angelo/Anthony/Dino- si capo

Junior/Mateo/Alejandro -si papa

Miguel- good make sure the weapons are locked and loaded and ready to go and then take your rest.

Junior- I went into one of the rooms and laid down I pulled my phone out to check the time Camila will be about ready to leave for school I called her before she started class.

Ph cov between Camila and Junior

Camila- miggy have you already taken off

Junior- yes coniglia where already been in the air for a few hours, I am just laying down on the bed, we all have to get some rest because we strike as soon as we land.

Camila- I should let you go, you will need your rest you didn't need to call me right away. I don't want you to be to tired when you get there. We just got to the school  I am about to head to my first class.

Junior- cara you know I can't sleep without hearing your sweet voice first
and to tell you to be careful if you run into trouble tell my brother's or Carlos he is in all your classes well except PE.

Camila- I will if I need to, but you know I can handle myself.
I love you and miss you already.

Junior- missing already too ti amo coniglia I will call when I land I won't be able to talk for long but.
I will talk to later amore

Camila- bye bye miggy see you soon.

Junior- After hearing her voice I finally calmed myself enough to sleep.
Get ready to terminated Mila and Saul because Miguel Junior Angelo Cruz is coming and he will show no mercy.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now