Plan backfired

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Warning the scenes in this chapter contain rap and abuse.

Camila pov - my slowly opened a little they felt heavy, my head was pounding, I slowly looked around the dark room the only light came from the small window, I was on a small mattress, god it, It didn't work. Junior must be going crazy and our twins am I ever gunna see them again, as long as there safe I don't care what happens to me.
This sick bastard thinks I am gunna have his kids, I think the hell not, I will only have two years Jeremy gave me an Injection which is not out on the market it prevent me from falling pregnant for two years hopefully that will by some time, I would rather end my life then have his kids. God please tell Junior and our babies I love them, send my love to the rest of our family.
Thinking about him touching me is making me sick just the thought makes me want to Puke.
I jump a little at the sound of the door opening and there he is the devil himself stalking his way to me with a smirk plastered on his face.

Levi- I hate to have you down here my love but you have to learn, anyways I just came down here to clean you up and give you some clean clothes and of course so we can finally have out special time and this time it will not be interrupted.

Camila pov- he grab me pulling the chains up and throwing me over his shoulder he takes me into a bathroom and rips my clothes off I tried to over up but that just got me a slap across my face busting my lip open, god I feel so sick his hands are every where, he starts sucking on my neck leaving his mark everywhere. He grabs the cloth and starts washing and scrubbing my private parts when he is down he drags me out drying me with a towel I hold back my tears I won't give him the satisfaction.
He throws me on the bed and climbs on top of me putting his fingers inside me I went completely num and limp silence tears rolled down my cheek then it happened he pulled his fingers out and slammed into me I held my breath in, I just laid there to num to do anything the pain was to much to bear, he grabbed me by my hair and forced me to look at him.

Levi- Look at me bitch ( slap)
I want to hear you moan loudly screaming my name ( slap)
If you don't I swear I will come back at your kids and take your daughter and do what I am doing to you now.
Moan , scream let everyone know who you belong to, you is fucking you, believe me baby we will be doing it a lot cause you will be having my baby all my babies.

Camila- Ahhhh ohhhh ( crying) Levi ( crying

Levi- stop fucking crying, or I will punish you even more.

Camila pov- god those words feel like vile vomit coming out, he keep going and going I can't even count how many times he came inside me.
When he was finally done he throw back down the basement and chained me back up.
Junior please come I don't think I cam take it anymore if you don't come I am sorry but I will have to end my life I won't be able to take it much longer.

Back at Cruz Mansion.

Junior pov - I sat in the room that I share with my piccola coniglia and now she is gone this is my fault, that Bastard had a secret Exit that is not visible to the eye, he took her she is gone, I know that every one will do everything in there power to locate her but there is no signal coming from the hair clip.

Junior pov - I sat in the room that I share with my piccola coniglia and now she is gone this is my fault, that Bastard had a secret Exit that is not visible to the eye, he took her she is gone, I know that every one will do everything in there po...

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I can't help it I can't hold it anymore, I lay in bed holding her ring, that Bastard doesn't know we are married.
My heart feels like it is completely broken, I don't even want to think about what that bastard has been doing to her I know it's only been a day but that is still a day to long.
I quickly jump out of bed at the sound of our children crying.

Junior- hey my little babies, don't cry come on let's change your diaper and get you dressed and a bottle how does that sound and I promise I will bring your mama back that's a promise.
I failed, I failed you both I didn't protect your mama properly but I will make this right.

Junior pov- they both just looked at me with big wide eyes glossy from their tears, thats when my door opens and my mama and papa come in.

Angel- give us to them we will chance and feed them you need to have a shower and clean yourself up and eat and drink something, you will be no use if you become weak from not eating or drinking.

Miguel- your mama right when you finish come to office we got some news your gunna want to hear.
Now go don't make your mama repeat herself I know your hurting but you need to keep your head in straight and focus so we can get her back.
If you keep eating yourself up you will be no use do you understand me.

Junior- si papa, I will go, are you sure, you are okay with them.

Angel- of course We are , did we not raise 6 children, what kinda question is that.

Junior- okay...okay sorry mama, I will go shower now.

Junior pov - I gave the twins a kiss and headed to the bathroom.
I stood underneath the shower as the water came down so did my tears I couldn't hold it, the unbearable pain that came from knowing that sick bastard had my woman and I had no clue where he took her and what he is doing to her and it kills me, I feel completely dead inside, the only light it my life that is keeping me Steady and not losing control and ending my life our the children we share.
After I was done with the shower I quickly got dressed and went straight to the office to see what papa has to tell me.
As soon as I get to the office my zio's , brother's Nikolai and his father,  papa of course where all in there with sympathetic looks on my faces, I didn't want any of it, I just want Camila back, I want my family complete again.

Junior-stop looking at me like that and just tell me what you have to tell me, so I can just go back upstairs and be with my children, so unless you gonna tell me you have found Camila  then you can save your breath I don't wanna hear anything else.

Miguel- enough Figlio I know you're hurting but that's no excuse to be disrespectful to family I did not raise you to talk to your family that way.
Anyways Zio Dino has some news for you.

Dino- we found her, but we lose the connection lucky it was enough to track her location.

Junior- good we can leave now, I won't leave her with him another day.

Miguel- it's gunna take a hole day but plane we will leave tonight, that way we will be there by morning.

Junior- fine, where is she

Miguel- Italy, I have contacted our men they are watching the house and will let me know if he moves again.

Junior pov- I walk out and leave without saying a word, on one hand I happy they where able to find her and on the other I pissed that we can't leave now.
I stepped outside needing some air, I go to the garden which she loved so much and I just sit there looking up at the sky and as if I am talking to her I say, Hold on Cara I am on way, if I could I would be there in a minute please forgive me for not coming sooner, please forgive me for not protecting you good enough I will spend the rest of our lives making it up to you if you will let me.
Stay strong baby I will be there soon.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now