Mila's path of destruction

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Mila pov- arggg I can't believe Junior father had me under surveillance this hole time and now he told my father that he has set everything up and I will leave first thing tomorrow morning.
I will try asking my father if he is still planning on obeying Miguel's orders to send me away then I guess I will have to go with plan C which lets face it I have been wanting to do it for so long, he may not have told me but I know when I didn't hear from my mother And didn't go home that she was dead, That Miguel killed her and my father new it.
Before I walked into his office I plastered my fake sweet smile to get him to reconsider sending me away.

Gino - Mila what is it that you want know, you have cause enough problems with everything that  you have been doing, capo has given you so many chances and yet you keep trying to do the same thing.
Why can't you get it, you stubborn little girl Junior does not want to be with you, so if you are going to ask me to change my mind and go against the capo, I'm sorry but I won't do it cause I think it will be good for you, Now go up stairs and to bed young lady we leave first thing in the morning.

Mila pov- walk up to father like I was gunna hug him then I took the dagger I had behind my back and stabbed him in the temple the face he pulled shock, hurt  pathetic I then took another blade and to take his right eye once I got it I put it into the solution so it wouldn't be destroyed as I would need it.
I walked back over to his lifeless body and took the  butchers knife to cut of his right which I will also need just as I took it off in walk his pathetic wife and kids she came running to me screaming I took my father gun and shot her in the head then there pussy kids started crying so as I walked to the door close to them I put a gun to each of there heads and pulled the trigger And walk out straight to the kitchen to get ice to put his hand in.
I went straight up to my room to have a shower and change and  packed a bag once I was done I went back to father office cracked open his safe and take all the money hahaha its not like they will need it.
I grabbed a pair of keys and headed to the Cruz mansion.
Once I got there I parked down the street there place isn't near any houses and I also spent a lot of time here I made a opening close to the back where there is another entrance to there basement cells, see I am not as dumb as people thing I am mother said to ask dumb so man won't except much from you and they will take care of everything.
When I finally got to the basement entrance I took out my father eye and his hand as soon as it scanned it and in worked I drop the eye and hand then using a couple off bricks to keep the door open leaving enough time to get Saul and both of us can get out and get to Tammy before they do.

Saul- About fucken time get me out of here

Mila - wow you look like shit

Saul- well no shit you don't say they have been torturing me for days.

Mila - come on hurry up we got to go I don't think those bricks will hold it for much longer.

Mila pov- as soon as we got out I help him get through the back and straight to the car once we got it I took off.

Dino gets the alert( it happened same time as she broke it )

Dino- capo you might want to get the guard and head down to basement back entrance it said it was Gino going down there but when I looked all I saw was Mila, there still down there they haven't come out.

Miguel- Junior, Mateo, Alejandro you go with me Rommel and Angelo go to main entrance I want guards at the main entrance.

Junior pov- we all ran straight to the back entrance to the basement cells once we got there right by the entrance door was eye and a hand I looked at my papa and brothers and they all had the same look we had we new that it had to belong to Gino that psychopath killed her father.
We stood there for a moment in silence then the doors opened and my Zio' came out and saw what we just did.

Miguel- Rommel Angelo go over to Gino's house check on his family boys will go back to my office to Dino so he can track down Mila what was she doing there?

Rommel- she got Saul out

Miguel- That little shit, I am not playing nice anymore I want her found and brought to me along with that bastard Saul, my men in Italy already have Tammy now that we know they where all working together they will all pay.

Junior- while my brother and papa went to his office to get Dino to track down Mila and Saul movements I went upstairs to check on Camila
Once I got to our room she was laying peas sleeping I sat on the bed next to her and wrapped my arms around her, I just needed the comfort of having her in my arms right now, That bitch Mila has taken things to far.
I looked at my little Coniglia as she started to stir in her sleep and slowly her eyes opened and looked up at me with worry my baby can always see through me.

Camila- whats wrong miggy and don't say nothing you can tell me anything remember we said we wouldn't hide anything.

Junior- I know Coniglia, I promise I will tel you in the morning right now it's late go back to sleep Cara, I have to get back to my brothers and papa but I will tell you.

Junior pov- I watched as she slowly drifted back to sleep I kissed her forehead and slowly walked out the room and back to the office as soon as I got there my Zio Rommel called and my papa put him of speaker so we could all here.

Ph cov Rommel- capo i...its not good Mila has definitely flown of the deep end.....
T...There A...alll dead capo.
His wife his kids..... those little kids s...she s...shot them point blank in the head

Miguel- we will bring them justices but first I will have a funeral for them all I got Gino hand and eye bring there bodies here Jeremy Dr Domingo son will be helping he said he can re- attach it and fix it for the funeral so his family won't have to see them like that.

Junior - when I get my hands on her I will kill her with my bare hands how the hell could she do that to Johnny and Ally.

Miguel- you will have your chance as soon as we find them I had Anthony go there to get Tammy from my guards there that are holding her we will set a trap for those to rats.
Called ahead as well and has every airport and airstrip closed down they won't be able to leave I also sent some men at every dock incase they decided to go by ship since little miss crazy also took all of Gino's money from his safe.
Junior makes sure you or a guards are with the Diamond, Miracle and Camila and tell Emilio and Emmanuel that there training we start.

Junior- si papa Nothing will happen to them

Junior pov- after we wrapped everything up and everything we needed to do was all set we went our separate ways I went back up to our room and strip down to my boxers. God tomorrow will be hard Camila will start school I already work so I won't be with her I am not to worried as mu brother's will be there to look after her.
By that worry feeling after everything that just happened Can't seem to leave my mind.
I kiss Camila on the cheek and wrap my arms around her and whisper in her ears ti amo cara.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now