Levi's escape

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This is a short chapter just of Levi plot and escape.

Levi pov- Fuck I can't believe they found us before My plan could even work, doesn't matter but I can get out of this cage.
I look around this small room and she Mila, god she like shit her hair is hacked up her face has burns she has whip marks all over her.
I look to the far end and see my little brother Jarred those fucks to my brother.
Its time to get out of here I took the pin out from my watch and pick the lock as soon as it's open I get my brother out and then my two best friends Jason and Troy as much as I hate to even look at Mila now I got her out too she will be apart of my new plan.
I don't want her anymore, once I had a taste of Camila I want her and I will have her.
I will wait until she has that bastard she is carrying she will come with me willingly or I will kill her baby she will be mine, she will carry my babies no one else's.
How does Mila play apart now well I am going to make her think that she and I will be the next king and queen but once I get him to sign everything that the Cruz family owns I will keep Camila and kill his entire family.
Just thinking about having her again has got me hard I guess Mila will have to do for now I will just have to only do her from behind so I don't have to look at her anymore.
Once we all got out I notice the door on the side I know it leads outside so I pick the lock and we all make a run for it I had Jason pick Mila up because she could barley walk we will go to my other hide out and wait for the day she gives birth.
I take one last look as say to myself see soon doll I can't wait for the day I will finally be able to Be deep inside you I know it will feel like heaven just as you taste.

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