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Levi pov - When my baby doll msg me back I was over joyed she told me she would marry me but I have to give her daughter to Junior.
I hated to lie to her but, there is no way I will give that screaming shit machine of to papa Junior haha no I will keep her so if my sweet tries to run all I have to do is threaten to kill her daughter she will do anything to keep her safe.
Once she pops out my kid I will kill hers the only screaming babies I want is our own even though the little girl looks like her mother I will always see him and I don't think that will change.

The cruz mansion

Junior pov - I am pacing back and forth, my brother's are trying to calm me down but how can I the love of my life the mother of my children is about to walk into the snakes den, A million things could go wrong I...I won't be able to live with myself if something happens to her.
I just want them in my arms where they belong.

Camila pov- holding my baby boy Massimo in my arms rocking him to sleep as his eyes began to shut I cries silent tears for I have no clue in I would be back to see him, if this plan fails. I kiss his chubby kiss and whisper in his ears.

Mama loves her big boy she is going to bring your sister home I know you miss her and morn her as we all do probably even more because she is your twin.
I will do everything in my power to bring her back even if it means I can no longer come back here, just no I love you, take care of your papa and sister they will need you most. 💋💋💋

I know it's stupid and pointless his only a month old but I just know his going to be smart just like his papa.
Okay his also a sleep but to me and can still here my voice in his Sub-conscience so I will take that he does.
I look in the mirror and tell me self I can do this I head down stairs and see Junior his eyes are all bloodshot and puffy I know this is killing him but I have to do this Zio Gustavo said that baby that we buried was not ours he also said the baby died of natural causes which mean it was dead when it got shot it still didn't make me feel better the only thing that will is making them pay for what they did and believe me I will, I will gladly take there life and do it with a smile on my face but first I have to make sure Marcela is safe and out if harms way.

Camila- okay lets do this, you guys know the location don't trail me because it will give it away he has to think that I did indeed come alone,
I will not have any one put Marcela in anymore danger I told him only one person was coming with me so that they could take Marcela back to Junior.
Carlos your coming with me.
Junior amore please no matter what do not come running in guns blazing unless Carlos has Marcela far away okay promise me no matter what Marcela comes first, your principessa come first.

Junior- I...I promise coniglia it doesn't mean I have to like it.

Camila- good okay Carlos let's go

Junior pov- I watch her get in the car with Carlos and leave and it kills me to let her go knowing how dangerous it is but she right I do have to wait till Marcela is right out.
Once my coniglia is out of sight I head back to the office where every have of us is watching the monitors and the others are close by to where Camila will be watching the warehouse that they are it, they are good at what they do so I know they will be seen.
Camila doesn't know that they are watching but they also know not to anything until Marcela is away from the building.
God I know after everything I have done in my life you probably won't ever answer me but please I beg you watch over my wife and daughter keep them safe.

Levi pov - I was sitting in my office in this dump I didn't want her coming to my home and risk her knowing how to get back to Junior god I have never hated anyone so much.

Diana- you need to scrap your plans on keeping the brat I can't take the crying not to mention the diapers babies are nasty just let her give the brat to who ever she brought to take her, you don't need her she know know what you are capable of  she will be stupid to try anything.

Levi - maybe, maybe not now go back out there and shut that baby up and no I don't mean hurt it if you do we have no
Other leverage because of your stupid sister to Tamina.

Diana - fine agrr you will give this brat over  it will be harder to hide with a baby we only got away with it this time because they thought there baby was dead.

Levi- fine I will let the little go.

Diana- well looks like we don't have to wait she is here.

Levi pov - I couldn't help the smirk on my face so I headed out the front of my warehouse to see my bride to be.

Camila- you got me here you asshole just give me my daughter so I can put her in the car I will not take a step further unless I know she is safe and in this car on the way back to her papa.

Levi- your in no position to demand anything but very well Diana bring her brat out.
Diana will put her in car I don't trust you baby doll  move aside.

Camila- at least let me hug and kiss her and say goodbye.

Levi- fine make it quick we have places to be my love.

Camila pov- yuk I swear It took everything in my not to want to throw up.
But that feeling soon went away as soon as my baby was in my arms I new she was mine she has the same strawberry shape birthmark under her ear.
I should have know but in the moment of shock  seeing a baby the shot bleeding right before my eyes Words can never describe and now to find out my daughter is alive and if things don't go the way I planned I will never see her or her brother  nor there father ever again.

Camila- Marcela principessa  non preoccuparti , tuo padre sta arrivando e staremo tutti insieme

( princess don't worry your papa is on his way and we will all be together)

( I kissed Marcela one last time before she was pulled out my arms, thank god I know none of them can understand Italian, dumbasses )

Levi- tsk tsk tsk.... Not nice to speak another language none of us understand, not even your baby she has been with us for a hole month.

Camila- of course she does it's in her blood.

Camila pov- as soon as I saw Carlos drive off with Marcela I Sighed in relief  I then looked up and saw one of the snippers but I was already pushed into the warehouse as soon as I was in I felt a cloth over my mouth I tried to fight and move and not breath in but he pinched my side and that was it I took a breath then felt dizzy as darkness took me my last thoughts my family.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now