Mini vacation with Camila p1

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Junior pov- after Gino was done and walked back up the stairs I told my brother's that I am talking Camila away for the weekend and to only me if its an emergency or Papa and mama wake up.
We all sign complete sadness washes over us a the mere mention of them.
We seat there a few minutes in silence before I clear my throat.

Junior- fratelli  I'm going to head up I will see you guys later.

Junior pov- I walk right into my room and piccola coniglia is seating on the bed pouncing up and down Giggling at whatever this cartoon is she is watching, as soon as she see me she launches herself me.

Junior- wow baby girl take it easy there hahah what's got my baby all hyped up.
Mmm well I don't think I need to ask when I see all this candy and chocolate all over the bed.
Baby you shouldn't be eating this stuff so late especially not this amount your gunna make yourself sick.

Camila- but I wanted to eat it, It's what I felt like
I didn't feel like eating dinner.

Camila pov- as soon as I said those words I new I was in for it he hates when I don't eat properly but he hates it more when I skip a meal.

Junior- What?  You didn't eat? , that's it go shower I will tell the maids to bring some food for us and vitamins and medicine for that stomach I now will be hurting because of all the junk you eat.
Now go shower and stop pouting at me you are seriously asking for a punishment now.

Camila- arggg I am going  jeez....

Camila pov- I walk past where he was standing then Thats when I felt ( slap) he just spanked me

Camila- hey what was that for, I was going in the shower so there was no need for that.

Junior- can't help it your a walking temptress,
Now hurry up, so you can eat take some medicine we are going somewhere tomorrow morning.

Camila- where are we going.

Junior- you will find out now go take your shower.

Junior pov- god she is too beautiful, she looks so cute when she tries to look all tuff and mean but her glares are just to adorable.
I strip down to my boxers and get in bed, thank god I told Diamond to pack a bag for Camila this trip is what we both need.
As soon as I heard the shower stop I slowly looked up and there is mio coniglia smiling at me all seductive like, fuck I have to have her now.
Her been in just a towel was not helping.
I stalked over to her and picked her up over my shoulders throwing her onto the bed, I slowly ripped the towel of her and fisted on her honeypot diving in deeper plunging my tongue into her pleasurable moans had me going even more crazy, her legs started to shake uncontrollably I new she was about to cum, I started sucking harder and harder until she came undone I sucked up all her sweet pussy juices lapping in up like it was my last feast.
I didn't give her a minute to breath I flipped her over and slammed my cock into her dripping wet pussy and started pounding her hard from behind, she gripping the sheets screaming and moaning in pleasure When she came onto my cock it made me pound into harder and deeper till I came undone pouring my seed deep into her womb, I rolled onto my not breaking the connection she tried to move but I told her she wasn't going anywhere yet.
I know it's bad but I want her to have my baby My heir I know its wrong but I even went as far as to replace her contraceptive pills with Clomiphene Citrate to help her get pregnant because of her irregular periods she will have a hard time getting pregnant I replaced it a month ago before all this happen and for last few days until now We haven't done it but now that changes for tomorrow we will have our little vacation just the two of us and hopefully we will come back with an addition let's hope she won't find out but hey it doesn't matter we are going to get married and I do want lots of kids.
Once I am satisfied that all my seed is in there I pull out that's when I notice my baby girl is fast asleep, I slowly get up to get a wet cloth to clean her up once she is cleaned up I Jump in and had a quick wash once I was out I put on a fresh pair of boxers on and cuddled up with her under the covers falling asleep finding comfort only in her embrace.

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