Camila's Subconscience

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Camila pov- I hear my babies crying  pleading with me to wake up and it breaks my heart every time I hear them calling me mama I try my hardest to opened my eyes but I can't all I can do is hear them.
Junior see tears in my eyes that's good isn't it, it means I will wake up right this is just Like Zia Angel. I hear Junior tell me he knows I hear them and not cry or push myself they are not going anywhere that it self brought me pure joy I wish even more that I could just open my eyes already I have no Idea how long I have been like this.
Zia Angel told me about when she is was in a coma she could hear everything going on around her , I guess this is what this is, she woke up son I will too at least that's what my mama said  yes my mother told me I will wake up once I heal physically and mentally she told me I have healed physically but she is not sure about mentally with everything that happened with Levi.
But to me I am fine and the only thing that makes me forget is when I hear Junior or kids they bring me Joy and happiness sure I get upset but that's only when I hear my babies crying like right now and Junior doing everything he can to re-insure them.
Junior, my miggy I just want to scream at him telling him that it isn't his fault, he needs to stop blaming himself for  what happen, I don't blame him I chose to go, to do it to save Marcela and I would do it again.
My papa, he doesn't say much all I hear is crying and him holding my hand praying that I get through this.
The only time he talk really was Apparently when  junior  drank way too much and went on a rampage and destroyed his papa's  office and would attack anyone that came near him well except his mama.
Thank god that stopped, I will kick his ass for that when I wake up.
Diamond my sister my best friend she told me about her and Nikolai I couldn't be happier for her.
She told me she wanted to say no to Nikolai cause like Alejandro and Mateo they wanted to wait for a big wedding until I wake up she said Nikolai wanted a big one they had there engagement party in Russia and then One here which again she said she was made about because she didn't want it because I couldn't be beside her but then I remember her kissing my forehead and telling me they won't be getting married until next year she said I better be awake by then I laughed it my head then I heard her gasp and said you smiled you can hear me I wanted so badly to open my eyes and pull her in for a hug and tell her yes but sadly practically all my body doesn't want to cooperate so I guess A smile will do.
I have had plenty of time to think, plenty of time to overcome what had happen mostly I talk to my mama.

Camila- mama I truly am okay now I may never forget but It doesn't make me break down anymore. The only thing that upsets me know is Junior our twins and papa and our family there waiting for me mama when am I going back I have to get back it pains me to see them so sad all the time.
I have to tell Junior it isn't his fault.
And I also have to kick his ass for what he has been doing too.

Mirabella- soon my love very soon all I can tell you is that it will be there greatest gift.

I looked around and she is gone again, but my heart once again filled with joy she said I will be home with them
Soon I will wake up I will be with them.
Miggy mio amore I will be in your arms again and my two little babies mama will hold you and play with you all you want I will never let you go ever you and your papa are my greatest joy in life see you soon my loves.

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