Torturing Alexa

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Junior pov- I got up early so I could deal with this bitch before I have breakfast with my kids, I called my brother's all of them even Emilio and Emmanuel there 16 now so they are starting to be  more involved.
As soon as we made it down there Jacob ready had her tied to a chair marks all over her body, I think some one thought she could open the doors to the cell with little damage but her cell had a code not a key.

Emilio- so who do we have here Fratello.

Junior- this was my PA but she thought she would still from us and get away with it, but her biggest mistake is coming after my wife.

Emmanuel- I say we skin her completely taking all her flesh right off then pouring Spheric acid let the acid eat he slowly till her last breath finally leaves her it's a very painful way to go, then we will clean you up so we can throw you in with the sharks I am sure they are hungry.
The choice is your Fratello ( I look right at Junior he just nods his head.)

Junior- leave the acid we don't have gas mask here and the fumes will kill us too, go head fratelli skin her alive rip every piece of flesh and then feed her to the sharks.

Alexa- Ahhhh noo.... Nooo.... You can't do this you won't get away with this.....

Junior- already did and have, it's not like you will be missed.
Jacob , Jason stay with them till it's done we have other business to take care of.

Junior-  Mateo, Alejandro has Markus or Zio Dino said anything about the money she transferred some to account I am guessing it's the person who helped her, that person has to work for our company and have access to all accounts, we will check with Emilio and Emmanuel if she said anything about her accomplice, papa wants to find out all parties involved I told them not to kill Alexa cause papa will talk to her when he gets back, hopefully by then we will have her partner.

Mateo- I will check in with Zio Dino before I meet with Heavenly grace she has her last appointment today Jeremy is just checking making sure the baby's head is down and it's not breached.

Junior- ok thank you I am going to go see my twins they should be know, how is heavenly-Grace doing  and Alejandro how is Lena and  little Mario doing.

Alejandro - there both good

Mateo- she is going okay she tired and hormonal haha I am trying to stay on her good side my sweet innocent soft spoken baby girl is long gone no idea what happen to her.

Junior pov- we all laughed at that and we all said it happens to every female that enters the family.  I said goodbye to my brother's and I made my way back upstair looking at my watch I new Massimo  and Marcela will be up.
As soon as I got to the door of there room I heard giggling which made me chuckle, I open the door to both of them looking at me jumping up and down in there cribs yelling papa, papa.

Junior- hows my two babies doing this morning did you have a good sleep.
( they both look at me nodding there heads they saying mama, mama I want to see mama, a pang of pain coursed through me, they love her so much even though she just lays asleep not saying a word to them, the pain of not truly knowing if she will ever wake up, the guilt that eats me up daily that it is my fault.

Junior- of course we will go see mama, I will tell Lucy to bring breakfast to her room so we can eat there if you like.

Massimo- is mama better now, will she eat with us papa and play with us now.

Marcela- yeah I want to play with mama, is she awake papa.

Junior- I'm sorry babies but mama is still sleeping, but if we keep talking to her and let her know we are here she move even more then wake up.

Junior pov- It breaks my heart to see there sad expressions on there face it would be easier if they where like other babies there age but these are kids are like me there little genius it's a good thing but at the same time not it's getting harder and harder to answer there question about there mama and I can't find the right words to explain it to them.
As soon as we get to her room Lucy is just about finished setting up there food I take a seat net to her why the kids lay on her again asking her to wake up in the pleading almost crying voice I look up at Camila and see tears come out her eyes but her eyes remain shut still, the pang in my heart is back again seeing my baby girl girl even in her unconscious state hurts even more, I know she hears them and she trying to get back to them.
I kiss her forehead and whisper in her ear there okay baby girl don't cry, I know your trying don't push your self to hard we aren't going anywhere.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now