Hate seeing her like this

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Junior pov- once we got her to our home here in Italy I took her to our hospital week the young doctor who's name is Jackson he just newly graduated apparently Levi took his mother and forced him to work for him, I told him I would find her but if I find out his lying I will not hesitate to kill him right now he is all I have to take care of my baby girl until Jeremy and his dad Zio Gustavo get here, they are both on a plane with my mama and the twins.
Jackson said she not in a complete coma she is still breathing on her own but due to the injuries sustained by Levi it is very laboured she needs time to heal nutrients to strengthen her body.

Jackson- Mr Cruz sir I am sorry, I am sorry to her, today is the first time I have seen her, if I new and meet her before I would have told somebody, I promise to do all I can to save her.

Junior pov- I just nod my head and look down at Camila my baby girl mio cara.

I couldn't control it anymore the tears pouring out, how could I let this happen, I never should have let her go, I should have put my foot down and demanded that she stay I know she would've been mad I'm probably not talk to me for awhile this she would be safe I thought happen when I got a weak and caved to her demands.
Forgive me, forgive me li mio amore.
I put my head down covering my face unable to look at her in this state without wanting to rip my own heart out.

Antonio- figlio I know my daughter she is a fighter, I don't blame you, I know how stubborn she can be when she wants to do something, If I blame you then I have to blame myself  because I to let her and I am her father I promised her mama I will ...

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Antonio- figlio I know my daughter she is a fighter, I don't blame you, I know how stubborn she can be when she wants to do something, If I blame you then I have to blame myself because I to let her and I am her father I promised her mama I will always protect her she maybe your wife but she is still my daughter my only child and it to will always be my job to protect her.
The most important thing is that we have her and we will all as family help her to heal from the trauma that she had to injure at the hands of that sick bastard, I really wanted to torture that fucker by ripping all his flesh of his body and throw him in a pit of firer ants, but I understand why you just killed him.
Figlio be strong for her, I know she would not want to see you like this, she is going to need you to be her strength for both her and your children, I sure she will wake up, when the children get here bring them her she may not be awake now but once those babies touch her she will wake up you know how heart broken she was when she thought Marcela was taken then when she found out she was alive and that he had her she bounced back to her fearless self and she jumped right in and put her self in line of firer for your little girl. have faith, as much as it killing me to see her like this and not been able to rip the head of the man responsible or gets someone's blood on my hands to erase the pain and anger I feel, but it won't it may make me feel slightly better but as soon I see her it will come back because she went through it and that won't go away, that's why we must stay beside her makes sure she knows she will never be alone.

Junior -Thank you Zio, I promise I will get her through this, you have my word, anyways I know you want some time alone with her, she needs her papa too, I will go and see how long till they get here

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now