Camila first day

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Camila pov- I am kinda nervous for my first day as CO CEO but at least I have Diamond with me, I still can't believe Junior is letting me do this I thought he was never gunna let me work, he has always felt the need to take care of me in ever way which I am grateful for.
The only part I hate is leaving Massimo and Marcela but they are with Junior they have day care centre there which he put in when I was pregnant.
I am currently waiting in my office which no gunna lie I love it, Junior does know me so well.

As I was signing a few documents and looking over the people I will be interviewing as my PAThere was a knock at the door, well looks like it's time Junior helped me with this, things I should look for and things I should well kick to the curb tol...

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As I was signing a few documents and looking over the people I will be interviewing as my PA
There was a knock at the door, well looks like it's time Junior helped me with this, things I should look for and things I should well kick to the curb told me to look at body language okay well here goes "come in.

Few hours later

Some one shoot me now, how does Junior do it all this woman asked about was Junior and his brother's agrrr, Diamond told me a while ago she found the perfect one but she also only had a few apply to be her PA because her PA would have to be able to travel with her to Russia because that's where she will live half the time, That's the agreement she had with Nikolai.
Okay I have one more. ( knock, knock )
"Come in

Camila- hello and welcome please have a seat.
Let's start with your name and why you would like to work here as my PA, I see here you don't have experience and you just finished college which is not a problem, don't worry.

-" good morning mam my name is Bianca Batronno I am 21 and I would love to work here to gain experiences and it has always been my dream to work here it is the number one company in the world, which is why I only applied to work here, I am hard working I pick things up really fast I have no other commitments which means I will always be available to assist you whenever you need me.

Camila- well Bianca I am happy you feel that way congratulations and welcome you will start first thing tomorrow morning 830am Naomi at reception I'll give you everything you need please make sure all my schedule is on my desk between 9:30am 10:00am when I arrive.

Bianca- Thank you so much I will be here and everything will be ready I promise thank you again.

Phone con with Junior:

Junior- hey piccola coniglia how was your first day did you find a good PA or do you need my help.

Camila- no it's okay I found one, she is the only one that did not mention you or your brother's. It was so tiring all those women can you such a headache I just wanted to reach up and slap each and every one of them, until the last one Bianca she was perfect no experience she just finished college like me but I will give her a chance that and well those another woman just wanted to get close to you and that will not happen.

Junior- hahah mmm and I thought I was the only possessive one but it seems my piccola coniglia is just as possessive as me.

Camila- of course I am, your mine just as much as I am yours, I don't like it when those woman are all over you asking about you like I am not married to you it took everything in me not to shoot each one right between the eyes.
Anyways Mio amore I am coming back home now since there is nothing to do till tomorrow so will you be home.

Junior- I will go home Cara just have sign one more thing and grab the twins, then we will see you at home.

Bianca's plot

Bianca pov- ha I new I would get the Job those other girl's made the mistake my asking about Junior or his brother's, I am much smarter then that I could have got a Job with Junior or I could cozy up with his wife, soon to be no more.
Most people would want to know why well that's simple I have been in love and following him since I was a little girl I mean we are about the same age but because of his family his been on magazine on the TV forever.
When they said he has a girlfriend that he has been in love with her since they where kids I grew mad because he is suppose to be mine.
When they said she was studying fashion I new she would lead the fashion company so that's why I went into it so I could apply and get the Job and she well let's just say she will slowly disappear and evaporate from this earth.

Cruz Mansion:

Junior pov - I got home with the kids asleep in my arms I see my baby come up to me she kissed the kids and we walked up stairs and tucked them into bed.

Junior- I missed you baby girl

Camila- I missed you more, make love to me it's been so long since you have, I feel you don't love me anymore maybe because I am know tainted by another man.

Junior- what no baby that is the furthest from the truth I just didn't want to push you to do anything because of what happened I wanted you to completely heal.
But if you are ready and this is what you want believe me baby I will be happy to take you over and over again, It's been so long I don't think I will be able to stop( kissing her passionately)

Junior pov- I ripped her dress right of her along with her bra and panties, I ran my tongue all around her breast sucking and biting her moans grew louder which fuelled the fire I had in me.
I went lower and started leaving my marks in between her legs teasing her I could tell she was getting frustrated so I took pity on her and latched my mouth onto her sweet pussy.
Taking all her juices in, it was absolutely heaven and I can't wait any more I have it over her and slammed my cock right into her tight little pussy she screamed and as I kept thrusting harder faster and deeper until we both came undone together.

Camila- ti amo mio amore

Junior- ti amo mia amore

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