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Heavenly-Grace pov - okay so I know every one might be asking what's going on with me well let me tell you a little story maybe then you will see what I am acting the way that I am.

My real mother was very young when she had me and my grandparents where high up in the social Society among the elites you may say.
They where so ashamed and embarrassed that the only child I got pregnant this young, so her mother and father devised a plan where they would hide her for nine months and her mother would be sporting a fake pregnancy belly so people with think that the baby was her's at first she didn't want to go along with it but when they told her they would cut her off and still take custody over me she agreed so for most of my life I believed that my grandparents where my parents and mother was my sister.
After she had me they shipped her of to a boarding school then she went straight to college I only seen her a few times growing up, she didn't end up finishing college because when I was 12 the people who I thought where my parents die in a car accident I was so sad and broken because they devoted everything to me I often felt bad because I never saw that with there daughter anyways she came back and of course I was in her care she told me the life she lives isn't save and she wanted me away so she sent me to boarding school brought me a penthouse with a house keeper when I came home for weekends and she would come once a month except for twice when I didn't see her for 11 months.
On my 13th birthday she told me she was my real mother and of course told me the reason why.
Then one day she stopped coming and CPS came and took me told me she had die they never told me why or how, the only thing I found out because I over heard was that she was married and had a daughter, when I heard that I was so happy because that meet I had a sister and maybe they are taking me to stay with her husband but why wouldn't she tell me that's all that run through my mind.
They took me to a group home. At the time I thought nothing of it maybe he couldn't get time of work or he was in shock because if I didn't know that means he didn't know about me.
After nearly month had past it made me realise he wasn't going to come, I mean I couldn't be mad I am not his after all and life wasn't that bad especially when you learn to stay away from
Certain girls there.
After 3 months my case worker told me she found a foster home for me that I will be going there tomorrow.
I felt happy, really happy at the time, but of course happiness is always short lived.
That's when I got landed with Billy-Joe and his son Kevin Living with the Denson father and son team was my own personal hell, from the start they both touched me sexually and forced me to give them blow Jobs I was 14 and then after staying with them for 2 months that's when they forced more they took turns raping me most of the times they took me at the same time and would tell me the three season why they took me in.
1 sex slave
2 maid
3 for the money

As you know I started working and one of them was cleaning I usually don't clean the penthouse at this place but one of the girls asked me to fill in and well I needed the money I wanted to save enough to get out to run away and leave and of course this is the part you know me walking in on Mateo with some girl don't remember her name nor do I care.
He saved me I will give him that he took me away from that hell and gave me a wonderful life he is amazing and I loved him apart of me still does but well after I came across some things I just couldn't bring myself to ever look at any of them the same I know they where kids when it happened but still, I just couldn't do it.
Call me petty and whatever you want but no one knows everything I have been through.
Anyways let me get back on track and tell you what I found, It started with me be clumsy and spilling my drink all over my laptop I was working on an assignment for college that's right Mateo convinced me if I wanted to do it I should do it but it had to be online only, which didn't bother me I don't like been around a lot of people .
Anyways he told me his laptop was in his Father's office so I went in there and as I was picked up his laptop I accidentally knocked a couple of files that where on the table it was marked as clean up before I could close in I saw a picture of my mother  Noelle, yes that's right my mother is Noelle, it had everything Including what she did to earn her death.
I don't care what she did, she was my mother and they took her away at that moment I no longer wanted anything to do with them so yeah I acted cold and distant even to my own son but he looks and acts just like his dad I mean I know his baby and I shouldn't but I don't want anything to do with anything that attached to Mateo or his family and well Gabriel is that he is no longer my son, why did I get married well I needed more money so for a year I have been taking money for the family account, I am not greedy I to bit at time I just wanted enough so I could leave and I just need to take one more and I am out I already got the divorce papers and signed my end, I know most if not all are thinking this man saved you his family has showed you nothing but love and welcomed you with open arms, but hey there are always two side and my side is I wouldn't need a loving family to my broken pieces together if it wasn't for them, I know none of them know I am her daughter nor do they know about her parents .
They don't need to know not really but I will tell them just to see the look on there face I have all the evidence , I know they will eventually find out it was me taking the money but I didn't steal in well no really  he told me I could use and spend as much as I want and we are married so I don't see what is wrong, the only thing wrong is me not telling him.
He will know soon anyways tomorrow is the day
Can't wait to see the look of there face.

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