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Lena pov-  As soon as entered the room, my heart completely dropped and it was like I completely forgot how to breath, I saw him hooked  up to machines, he was just starring up at the celling  completely lost in his own thoughts. He finally turned around and saw me  and it broke me down tears started to form in my eyes and instantly started flowing down and he called me over to sit on the bed with him but I didn't  I sat in the chair beside his bed, lets just say he did not like that at all he is use to me always obeying him, he is very dominating and controlling lets not forget how possessive he is but hey I can't lie I love it, he truly makes me feel loved and cared for, for the first time in my life.

Alejandro- baby I will not say it again, you know better then to disobey me, I told you I needed to talk to you and tell you some things about me and family, now this is the last I will tell you kitten, get your cute little ass here now and sit beside me.

Lena pov - I gulped and got out of the seat so fast to go sit beside him on the bed, he chuckled at my reaction agrrr this man, even sitting beside him wasn't good enough he picked me up and put me on his lap saying it's where I belong.

Lena - Drano no I will sit beside you, you are still hurt you can't have me sitting on you, your stiches will bust.

Lena pov - I went to move to the side of him but he only tightened his hold on me.

Alejandro- NO...NO...  did my little kitten just say no to me  you know how I feel about that word, you will stay where I want you to and you will not argue about it or I swear to god Lena I will take you over my knee and spank your ass so hard you won't be walking for a week, do I make myself clear.

Lena - y..yes

Alejandro- yes what? 

Lena- yes daddy...

Alejandro - That's my good girl, now kitten what I am about   to tell you I want you to keep in mind and always remember that I will never hurt you, I will always protect you and keep you save, you know that right.

Lena - yes I know that, you always protect me, that's why I always feel the safest in your arms

Alejandro- good that's how I always want you to feel. okay you already know my family is the number 1 billion dollar company world wide, well we do other stuff  too this is what I have been keeping from you,  we are a Mafia family , the Mafia family my father is the King of all Mafia's my brother who you meet is going to be the next Mafia king and Mateo and I will be the underbosses. kitten talk to me say something anything?

Lena - I don't care that you are apart of a Mafia family you could have told me earlier, I mean a lot of things make much more sense now, how you found me, tracked me down to my uncle's place and saved me and when I went back to his house when I got made at you, my uncle was gone everyone asked where he went cause he would never leave like this cause every saw him as a good man but he was never that way to me, so tell me did you kill him.

Alejandro - yes I did and I will do it again, he abused you, he doesn't deserve to live, so yes I killed him to give you better life treat you like the princess you are, spoil you show you how much I love you. so kitten are you still made at daddy.

Lena - no I'm not , I felt so guilty because I thought the worst, I thought you where done with me, that you got to play around and now your bored with me, ( crying) but then I found out you got shot, I'm sorry daddy that I thought the worst, I should have known better that you would never treat me that way.

Alejandro - kitten, baby no daddy could never be mad at you so there is nothing to forgive. so daddies baby is having his baby huh ( rubbing my hand on her stomach)

Lena- Are you happy daddy

Alejandro - more then you know, are you hungry, you look thinner from the last time I saw you, have you been eating, and don't you dare lie to me you know very well I will know if you lie.

Lena - ummm... ummmm (looking down to scare to look up into his eyes)  no daddy I.. I  g..ot f...fired I've been l...looking f...for w...work.  I'm sorry daddy.

Alejandro - baby look at me , why didn't you use the card I gave you, and I also remember telling you I didn't want you working there, I didn't want you working at all, now look at you, you at least lost 8kgs, it's not good Lena especially when you are pregnant, but don't worry that is going to change starting from today, do you understand me.

Lena- yes daddy

Alejandro - good girl , I am going to msg the maids to bring some food here for you, and you will eat ever last bite or you will be punished do you understand me.

Lena - yes I understand, I am sorry Drando , I know your mad at me I can see it when you look at me cause I hurt your baby, I'm sorry I didn't use your card I thought you left me and didn't want me anymore so I cut it up, I just didn't think it would be right to use it, I'm sorry. I...I t...think it's b..best that I  l.....l...leave....

Lena pov- tears streaming down my face I could no longer look at Alejandro,  I  pushed myself with all my strength right of Alejandro lap so I  can leave, I won't leave the state so he can see his baby when ever he wants, but who am I kidding with all his money he probably get full custody , I couldn't help but have all this negative thought flowing through my brain.  As I got to the door two big arms wrapped around me pulling me back, he pulled me to his chest well not really chest more like stomach I am only 5ft tall and Alejandro is 6,6ft . As I kept crying he carried me back to the bed he wiped the tears from my face and force me to look at him.

Alejandro - kitten stop crying please, I am not mad at you, I just hate seeing you like this, I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby okay I love you your my always and my forever never forget that. come on the food here I am going to feed you so I know how much you ate. I Also told Jeremy to bring the ultrasound machine so he can see how far along you are and to bring the pre-natal vitamins, It's my job to protect you and make sure your both safe and healthy. now open up.

Alejandro pov- After I feed her and was satisfied that she eat enough, she was glaring at me the hole time because she said she couldn't move because I made her eat to much haha  I couldn't help but laugh my little kitten was cute when she got angry. about 35 minutes after we finished eating Jeremy came with the ultrasound machine he told her to lift her shirt up which made me glare at him, but I kept quite I know it's what she has to do so he can check but it doesn't mean I have to like it. he moved the wand around checking every thing he said the baby is on the small side from lack of food and nutrition but it's still early and it can be helped with a well balanced diet healthy snacks the baby will catch up. It also turns out she is 1 in a half months pregnant . I we thanked Jeremy and after he left Lena broke down again and started crying saying it's her fault she should have known she pregnant ages ago and the baby is small because of her.

Alejandro - kitten.... it's not your fault  okay and you heard Jeremy the baby will be fine as long as you eat and take it easy no more stress, so missy I am putting on beg rest until you gain some weight you will stay in our room and not do a dam thing but eat watch movies and read.

Lena -but.... I will get board and I have school... I  have to finish I have to graduate 

Alejandro - NO!!!  you are not nor do you need to you have me to take care of you, but if you really want to finish I will talk to the school and they can send you work daily for you to do at home but you will not go into that school.

Lena - but... what about when you go back can I go then....


Lena - (huff- pouting ) fine your never gunna let me do anything are you.

Alejandro - baby I am doing this for your own good it will be safer if you are at home, I promise when I do go back  to school I will always come straight back here to you I will not go out with my brother's or my friends you and our baby growing inside you are my number 1 priority. now since Jeremy has taken the IV we can finally leave this room and go to mine well ours now  cause you are never leaving my side.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now