saul 1

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Junior- I decided that I would push back meetings till this afternoon cause I wanted to go pay Saul a visit lets see if he is truly telling the truth about bot knowing where Mila went of too.
When I pulled up to the warehouse were Saul and now Tammy was now located I went inside and was greeted by Markus and he leads the way to Saul once I got there his face goes pale ha what a pussy I instructed one of the guards to bring Tammy in the room will be interesting to find out if he knows he fathered two of her kids, I also brought documents with me which as all of his accounts business which he will sign over to them
I am sure it will be hard for her parents to take care of them financially.

Junior- ah Saul I am sure you know who this girl is.

Saul- So you brought one of my whores I use to fuck hahah you really think that will get me to talk, you can't break me, your men have tortured me for days and have got nothing. I have no weakness.

Junior- maybe, maybe it is because you don't know the secret she kept from you, well she couldn't find you after you got what you wanted.

Saul- what the hell are you talking about I only every slept with her twice.
And they where years apart.

Junior- yes that is true but did you know she got pregnant and her parents are taking care of your two boys and before you say there not yours I ran a DNA test and both boys indeed yours.
She lost custody of them because she continued to do drugs and alcohol.
Which resulted in them having some health problems.

Saul- what the hell have you done to them, you stupid bitch, I swear I will kill you before they can.

Junior- well in seem you are not like your father after all.
Tell me something why are you helping Mila.
That whore is using you to get what she wants.

Saul- look I will tell you everything she said to me and the plan she has had just please let me see my sons let me help them tell me wants wrong with them.

Junior- very well but the two boys will be on there way to the Cruz mansion.
Tammy not that you really care about your Children or your parents but when we paid them a visit we where told they where in a car accident the two younger boys Jack and Jordan where with babysitter but your parents are daughter didn't make it.
Jack and Jordan are on the transplant this they need a donor basically the cells from bone marrow which is usually the father is a match so you will get a chance to meet them and save them I will think about sparing your life if you help by telling me everything that Mila has planned.
And I will even let you torture and kill Tammy for what she has done to your boys.

Saul- Deal I will tell you anything and everything kill me if you want after as long as I save my boys I will die happy.

Junior- Markus let him lose , she is all your saul

Saul pov- When Junior told me everything from Mila using me that she would try and find a way at the end to kill me off to, I felt so stupid for believe her I didn't even Like my father he was the biggest asshole on earth.
When he mentioned kids and they where mine and what that whore Tammy did I wanted to rip the restraints off and kill her, and now her parents they have no one I was lucky enough to have my grandmother but there not but they will live a happy and healthy life and be very well off will never be without anything I made a promise to my grandmother that if I had children I will be nothing like my father.

Saul- You new where I lived, you new my name they would have be healthy and happy if you told me and signed your rights over.
I am going to enjoy doing this, this is for my sons

Tammy- n...nnooo I...ammmm t...there motherrr.....

Saul- you are no mother......

Saul pov - I grabbed the whip and kept hitting her this it blood spilled everywhere especially around her right arm that by the looks of it someone ripped her flesh completely off.
After I was done whipping her she was barley moving or making a sound I grabbed the gasoline and poured it on her then I lit her on fire and watched her burn.

Saul- I don't deserve anything after the things I have had a hand in but can I see my son, maybe stop by and buy them presents from the last times I was with Tammy I will say there 4 and 2

Junior- you are correct well the younger one will turned 3 today here there pictures of them here so you know when you see them. What you do now and how you help me will determine weather you live happily with your sons.
For now my guards will stay with you at one of our hotels Until tonight which is when they will arrive.
Right now I have to leave, I have other meetings to attend.

Saul- that's fine I will stay and doing you need an want.

Saul pov- after Junior left they took me to another room gave me some clothes so I shower, my mind drifted to my sons will they like me will my oldest son be mad I mean his 4 will know I wasn't there for them.
Then I started thinking, Mila and Tammy new each other she new Tammy wanted to find me which means she new about my sons but didn't tell me if I new I would have got them and never been involved with any of this.
After I showered and got dressed I sat down looking at the picture of my sons.

 After I showered and got dressed I sat down looking at the picture of my sons

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Jack 4 years

Jordan 3 years

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Jordan 3 years

Jack looks in between that bitch that shouldn't be called a mother and me it doesn't bother me that he manly looks like her I already love him so much.
Then Jordan he looks like me.
I took a deep breath starring at the photos of my son that I never new I had and made a Silent pray and promise that I will make it up to them even if Junior and his father don't let me live.
I will see you soon boys. Your daddy will make you stronger and healthier thats a promise...

Markus- tells go you will stay at the hotel for a few hours before we go to the cruz Mansion its up to Don Miguel if he will allow you to stay there while the boys are been treated.

Saul - sure umm that's fine.

Saul I followed them out it to the waiting cars my mind still running rapid and everything that has happen, I asked them if I could stop by the toy store to my surprise they agreed they even gave me my wallet.
I brought A few things for both of them
A few things I hope they like I will take them there to pick what they want well they if they let me .

Once I got to the hotel I went in the room to lay down and think about everything I will tell them I am sure they will have a lot of questions I just hope they won't hate me, I am thankful to Junior and his father for giving me this time, believe me I won't waste it they can take everything from my body and give it to my sons if it means I have to die so they may live then so be it.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now