Calm before storm

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Camila pov- The mansion has been in disarray since the night of the ball finding out that Heavenly- Grace left, it's filled with mixed feelings about the hole thing, Mateo wants to find her so he can explain, I mean he was a kid when all this happen and Noelle brought it upon her self with her actions.
They are looking further into her background we will know more later.
I am in the my office I brought the kids with me The mansion is just a complete chaos I had to get away all that tension.
Poor Mateo hasn't left his room , one of the maids just bring him and Gabriel food and Milk for him the only thing I heard was him telling Gabriel that he will make it right.
Junior didn't want me to come in today but I had too.

Camila- Bianca can you please get me some tea and here are the twins Sippy cups would you get them some milk to thanks.

Massimo- can we watch a movie mama.

Marcela- yeah I want to watch the barbie princess

Massimo - no way, I am not watching that.

Camila- okay that's enough, I swear you too.
How about this I put on something you both will like, how about Vivo.

Massimo and Marcela- yeah

Camila - hahaa okay go lay down and I will put the movie on, Bianca should be back with your milk ( right on Q Bianca walks in with her milk in my tea)

Bianca- Is there anything else I can do for you Mrs Cruz.

Camila- yes could you please Mrs Rosso the new designs for the summer collection.

Bianca - right away Mrs Cruz.

Camila pov- I sat on my desk going through the models which would be the best fit to show of our summer Collection for this years run way.
After I finished my tea I started feeling dizzy, "shit not again I went to check on my kids I had to hold and lean on the furniture I could barley walk straight.
I got them, I see sweat dripped of them, there shaking I immediately call Junior, why not the ambulance because given her my family is it isn't safe to go into a public hospital even if it's a private one it's better we go to our hospital wing of our mansion.

Junior- hey baby girl, how was you day, have they been behaving them self.

Camila- It... again.... Twins.... They .....( pastout)

Junior- "what baby, what happen "shit..( hangup)

Junior pov - "fuck she said again then the twins god please tell me this sick fuck didn't go after them to its bad enough they went after her.
I msg Diamond told her to go to her office and stay there I told security to standby the door.
I got Jeremy and we left to her office, please god let them be all okay...

Junior- if they did poison her drink what are the chances of the baby surviving

Jeremy- I will know more when we I examine her but the quicker we get her and the twins there the greater there chances are.

Junior- well lets pray we get there in time, I got Markus looking at the footage I place them every where we will now, who the fuck did this.

Jeremy- if you want to then don't look like your gunna kill someone who ever it is will most likely still be there and if they catch on they will run.
Just calm down and play it cool.

Junior- your right, I need to ( breathe)
Anyways I told Markus and some of my men to take her private entrance which goes straight to her office no one knows about it well except for Diamond.
When we finally arrive Jeremy and I run to the elevator and as soon as we get up to the office
Diamond it there putting a cold cloth on the twins head I run straight to them.

Junior- baby wake up, come on baby please get up.
Hey you too papa is here, your going to be okay
I know how strong you too are just stay with us and try to keep your eyes open.

Jeremy- My father is here I told him to come because the twins Might have been poisons to it was a good thing I did because by the looks of things it seems I was right.
Come on lets put her on the couch I will be the catheter in her arm and a minister so IV fluids to flush out the poison I also bought a portable sonogram machine so we can check on the baby.
It seems she just fainted the dizziness due to the poison of arsenic.

Zio Gustavo- where are twins

Junior- over there on the other couch

Junior pov- I feel so helpless me of all people I am use to fixing everything but here again I find myself breaking looking at my family.

Zio Gustavo- once we have them all stable we will move them back to Mansion.
Jeremy hows Camila doing?

Jeremy- she heart rate is stable she will be fine and the baby well I am just checking now.

Junior pov- I get on my knees beside her and hold her hand praying that the baby is okay.

Jeremy- there its the heart beat, it's a little slow but it should put up once it's all flush it all out and when she recovers.
Are twins doing better can we move them now we can't do too much here.

Zio Gustavo- yes we can move them now.

Junior- Diamond I want you to stay, go out and pretend nothing happened Markus is looking through the footage we will now who did it, I will be back in less then an hour I just want to make sure they there all good then I will come back make sure the place is locked down I will have a guard at every entrance make something up to keep them here like a team meeting or something but make sure they are all in one room, when I know the name you will call that person out first so we can take then once I have that person I will tell you when we already left so you can let everyone else go.

Diamond- okay...okay I got it.

Junior pov- after we took them all home and I new they where all save and stable.
I went to Markus he said he found who it was he is inside my office.

Junior- so who was it

Markus- see for yourself

Junior- that's Bianca, what the fuck , why the hell did she do that she seems like a sweet girl literally the only one that didn't try and hit in me.
Okay let's roll and get this crazy bitch I already.
( I sent a text to Diamond to tell her who it was she said everyone is in the meeting room)
I got few of my men with me plus the ones that are there already but the time we got there Markus had the chloroform ready we where waiting out the room and right on time Bianca is the first one out her eyes go wide as she see me but before she good say anything I told her I know then Markus puts the cloth over her mouth with in minutes she is knocked out he carries her to the car and puts her in the boot, thats when I tell Diamond she can let everyone out now.
As soon as we get home it's play time this bitch is gunna pay I haven't done anything yet because I want to know why she would do this, what is she getting out of it and who she works for, I mean she has to be working for some one she can't just go around wanting to kill someone and there kids for nothing.
One thing is for sure she is leaving that cell in a body bag, Nobody fucks with family especially not my wife and kids.
I hope she is ready cause she is about to meet hell.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now